by Ruth

Many people trust their vet, sadly some are much mistaken in doing so. Taking a kitten for inoculations and advice about her health and welfare can be a good experience or a bad one.

A good vet will give the impression that she has all the time in the world, she will be gentle with the kitten,talk to her and soothe her, because for a tiny kitten, strange places and people must be very frightening.

Poster by Ruth

The kitten is the patient, not the family and a good vet will always put her patients first.

Maybe some vets who declaw cats do this but then they let themselves down badly by suggesting the client has their kitten declawed. Why would they do that rather than show the client how to trim the kittens claws? Every vet surely knows how to do that.

But what shocks me more is that it seems that some vets don’t even seem to know why claws are essential to a cat’s health. I’d have thought the anatomy of animals was one of the first things vet students learned. Therefore they must know that cats being digitigrade rely on their toe ends/claws to be able walk the way a cat walks.

They must know the structure of the claws enable the cat to dig them in and stretch her muscles for exercise. They must know that scratching is not bad behaviour, it is necessary behaviour.

So as they must know all these things, it can only be that they don’t care how declawing will affect the cat or that it can cause many problems.

Until quite recently their clients haven’t questioned them when they’ve suggested having a kitten declawed but now with so much information freely available those vets need to start answering questions.

Many people after finding out just what declawing means are annoyed at the vet who didn’t explain and are quite rightly changing vets. But that doesn’t help the many suffering declawed cats as it’s too late to save their toe ends.

Declaw vets need to admit how wrong they are and there is certainly plenty of evidence now to show they are wrong!

They need to begin educating their clients about the reasons why cats have claws and to give advice as to the alternatives of declawing. They need to stop advertising neuter/declaw packages and discounts on declawing and stick to the AVMA policy that declawing should be a last resort or they will never have the respect from cat lovers worldwide which non-declaw vets have.

The AVMA and the declaw vets are looked upon by many as money grabbers.

Only they can change that view of them and earn any respect.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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Jan 10, 2011 Declawing must stop
by: Michele S.

Another great article Ruth, I applaud you for the tremendous effort you put into educating people on the truth about declawing.

It’s a cruel irony that it was the refusal of vets in numerous countries to perform declawing which brought about legal bans. Yet in North America it’s the vets who’re actively promoting this form of animal abuse.

I know that thankfully there are vets in North America who refuse to declaw, but I wish that more of them would stand up and be counted. I’m sure if they voiced the reasons they won’t declaw that it would help raise awareness amongst the pubic. Too often the fact that declawing is banned in 38 countries is swept aside, as though the opinion of foreign vets on this subject is somehow irrelevant to North American cats.

For far too long, the public have been denied the truth about declawing, but your articles are making great headway into changing that. Those unscrupulous vets are soon going to find that clients are better informed and more likely to ask akward questions than before.

Keep up the great work.

Jan 10, 2011 Declawing must stop
by: Michele S.

Another great article Ruth, I applaud you for the tremendous effort you put into educating people on the truth about declawing.

It’s a cruel irony that it was the refusal of vets in numerous countries to perform declawing which brought about legal bans. Yet in North America it’s the vets who’re actively promoting this form of animal abuse.

I know that thankfully there are vets in North America who refuse to declaw, but I wish that more of them would stand up and be counted. I’m sure if they voiced the reasons they won’t declaw that it would help raise awareness amongst the pubic. Too often the fact that declawing is banned in 38 countries is swept aside, as though the opinion of foreign vets on this subject is somehow irrelevant to North American cats.

For far too long, the public have been denied the truth about declawing, but your articles are making great headway into changing that. Those unscrupulous vets are soon going to find that clients are better informed and more likely to ask akward questions than before.

Keep up the great work.

Jan 10, 2011 Thank you Ruth
by: Bert T

Thank you for your endless campaign to educate the whole of America.
This is another top class blog and poster.
My all time favorite of yours is Sebastian’s Diary which I’m still recommending people to read.
You need to get it off to a publisher so as to reach those with no internet

Jan 09, 2011 You did it again
by: Edward

Man you did it again.Great poster.
Now people know how cruel declawing cats is the doctors like in the bottom picture will be well respected but the greedy ones like the one in the top can only be looked on with disgust.
How will they keep their bank balance topped up then?
Hopefully theyll just go out of business.

Jan 09, 2011 I agree CJ
by: Rose

In fact this article could have been called EDUCATE DON’T MUTILATE
It’s truly great Ruth and yes your poster says it all.
If I was in the USA I’d be putting your posters up EVERYWHERE,they give such powerful messages that no one with a compassionate bone in their body could ignore.

Jan 09, 2011 Educate don’t mutilate
by: CJ

Another poster that doesn’t actually need words underneath as it says it all.
Great work Ruth.
Oh for the day when everyone reacts like the man in Dr Ilovemoney’s clinic and finds another vet like Dr Ilovecats who will EDUCATE not MUTILATE (I stole that from someone’s comment on another page as it’s so apt)

Jan 09, 2011 vets KNOW it is wrong!
by: pammy marshall

Well done Ruthy. This is your best poster yet!
If I may give a personal view, I trained to be a nurse, and the first thing you learn is the anatomy and physiology of the human body. The second thing is that that patient comes first.
I know that vets take years to train too, and learn all they need to know the same as nurses, but about animals of course. There is no excsue for de-claewing a cat when the vet knows a trim of the claws will do. It is all about MONEY!
This is so evil to destroy an animal’s life for a few more bucks in their pocket!!!
Shame on all vets that do this. You should be named and shamed! How do you sleep at night?

Jan 09, 2011 Spot on Ruth!
by: Anonymous

Ruth yet again you’re bang on the mark with your poster and article, its seems obvious; why not educate?

I personally think the answer is simple vets know that most US pet keepers have become so indoctrinated by declawing over the years it just makes the vets job so much easier to offer declawing. They know if they educate they’ll be losing money so they don’t; they would rather just chop off those precious little toes.

I have 2 house cats as you know and to me their paws and claws are little miracles. I never tire of watching them use their claws to climb, stretch and play. They have scratching posts and a platform to jump onto. Because of this they rarely scratch the furniture but even if they did I wouldn’t care because unlike many people who declaw their cats I know that mine are happy and healthy.

I love my cats and even if it was legal here I would never ever consider declawing them.

Jan 09, 2011 Educate not mutilate
by: Barbara

Another great article and poster Ruth, I agree that the vets are the ones who have the earliest influence on new-kitten parents, it is at the first appointment that there is every opportunity to dicuss vaccination, worming, flea treatment and if necessary claw clipping (though why someone would acquire a cat in the full knowledge that cats have claws and then worry about the claws still puzzles me) They have the perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of the exercise that cats get from digging in and stretching their muscles and to explain that it’s not the cat trying to destroy the furniture but in fact very natural and necessary cat behaviour.

Some honourable vets do this of course and they do more, they explain that declawing is more than a kitty-manicure and that it is a dangerous and life changing procedure.

But some, like the chap we heard on the audio tape discussing the three methods of declawing and telling us he likes to use the scalpel method, are content to declaw on demand and to perpetuate the myth that declawing is taking only the claws and not part of the toes too. This is because of course they are dazzled by the mighty dollar and wish to get fat and live easily off blood money thrown at them by clients only too glad to have their cats mutilated.

Barbara avatar

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