by Ruth
(England )

Meet Vincent, the untouchable.
Following my story about poor little Pierce, declawed and in a Shelter at only a few months old, today meet Vincent.
I came across him in one of my monthly counts for Dr Jean Hofve of the reasons why declawed cats are in Shelters. He is in a Shelter in Los Angeles and this is the description of him given:
'Large adult male. If your taste in cats runs to look, but not touch, then Vincent is just the one for you! Vincent enjoys the company of other cats and humans, but does not want to be held or touched. He is declawed in front, and would love nothing more than to spend his days sitting on your windowsill, admiring the outside world'
Just look at his face, what has that poor cat gone though? Look at the weight he has to carry partly on those poor mutilated front paws.
Who can blame him for not wanting to be held or touched! All he has to look forward to if he does find someone to adopt him is sitting on the windowsill admiring the outside world.
These Shelter counts and our 2 weekly data counts too, break my heart as I'm sure they also do the other 2 volunteers doing the same thing as me!
How many more cats like little Pierce and large Vincent have to suffer the cruel and unnecessary amputation of their precious toe ends before declawing is stopped.
Thanks for your interest in Vincent. He HAS been adopted with his best friend Tortie and they are both doing very well at the sanctuary. They has to go together due to their very strong bond.
They are living with two other kitties and have all become great friends. I personally spoke with the woman who owns the sanctuary. They are not caged anymore.
That was all the info I was able to get but according to the personnel at the shelter they were at and the sanctuary owner they both are well and being cared for with lots of love.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for sharing. I will return to your comment and read it properly soon. In too much of a rush right now!