by Ruth
This is the AVMA guideline about declawing cats:
‘Declawing of domestic cats should be considered only after attempts have been made to prevent the cat from using its claws destructively or when its clawing presents a zoonotic risk for its owner(s.The AVMA believes it is the obligation of veterinarians to provide cat owners with complete education with regard to feline onychectomy’
This invites the question:
If declawing is only supposed to be done on cats after attempts to stop the cat using his claws destructively, why is it acceptable to declaw young kittens as soon as they reach 2lbs in weight?
Kittens as young as 4 weeks know what their claws are for. But they haven’t had the chance to learn claw manners.
At that age there is no way anyone has attempted to teach him that furniture and carpets are not for his use.
Poster by Ruth AKA Kattaddorra. Please click on the poster to see a very large format version
Even waiting until the kitten is old enough for neutering and having him declawed at the same time hasn’t given him the chance to be taught to use his scratching post.
I suspect that people who plan to have their kitten declawed don’t even bother buying a scratching post let alone encourage him to use it.
Maybe they don’t like the fact that kittens have sharp little claws, well of course they have and it’s the ideal time to get him used to having his claws trimmed.
This is part of the oath newly qualified veterinarians swear upon their graduation:
‘I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering’
The question this time is:
Why do vets who declaw break their oath? They are not protecting animal health and welfare and far from preventing suffering they are actually causing it!
They disable kittens and cats by the amputation of their last toe joints and put the animals at risk of many mental or physical complications for their entire lifetime!
Also there is no benefit to society by misleading cat caretakers into thinking that declawed cats are more desirable.
Thankfully the tide seems to be turning because as well as vet techs speaking out now about the true horror of declawing, some newly qualified young vets are not happy about breaking their oath.
Yes the young vet in the poster above who quits on her first day is fictitious, but I have read on the internet that young vets are more inclined to refuse to perform this major surgery on kittens and cats, some refusing to work for vets who declaw.
Good on them!
I think many young people now are more compassionate and realise the world is moving on and that animals feel pain and distress and are not possessions to be adapted or used.
I have a friend whose daughter, along with the other students in her class, was asked in her final year at university studying toxicology, if she would rather move on to experimenting on animals or to cell research.
She and every other student chose the cell research!
Using animals is becoming a thing of the past thank goodness and so must declawing.
We have hope in these new young vets coming along and refusing to do it and in the brave vet techs, some who have lost or quit their jobs through it, continuing to speak out and to educate people that declawing is cruel and unnecessary.