by Cheryl
(Michgan, USA)
I disagree with your stance on declawing cats. My experience has been that those cat owners, including myself, who have their cats declawed keep their cats indoors and for the life of the cat. Unfortunately, many people that I know of kick the cats out of the house due to clawing and leave people such as myself to take them in, spay/neuter them, provide shots, and try to rehome them.
I have also found that declawing the front paws has significantly reduced injuries from my cats playing and/or getting into fights with each other over territory, etc.
I currently have 8 cats (all of them were “dumped” in my neighborhood) that I have taken in. Those who were young enough to declaw were declawed and are strictly indoor cats. Those who came to me as adults had been abandoned months/years before and come and go as they please during the day, while I keep them in during the night and during bad weather.
I also trust my vet who told me that declawed cats do not pass infectious diseases to each other as readily as those who have their claws, again due to rough play/fighting. My vet is extremely conscientious and takes many strays into his own home who were dumped by their owners.
I have also done my own research into this and have made this determination after weighing the pros and cons of the issue. I am well educated (I hold a law degree) and did not come to this conclusion hastily or lightly.
Total ignorance and complacency, no cat that has been declawed is “fine”, get your head out of the sand and educate yourself Sandy (well named) all you need to learn is there in the posters above.
Thanks Dee, there is none so blind as they who will not see!
Sing it, girl!
I love it when your blood boils!
Maybe one of these posters will get past your blinkers
No it is NOT fine Sandy, declawing is abuse which is banned in 39 countries so far and will be banned worldwide one day.
Indoors or outdoors, cats need claws, which is why they are born with them!