by Ruth
Some people have the misconception that declawing a cat is no worse than neutering him or her.
When vet nursing I assisted at many cat spays and castrations and cared for the cats as they recovered afterwards.
Both sexes wake up peacefully. Males usually go home the same day,theirs is a small operation simply removing the testicles. Young cats don’t even need stitches.
Females stay overnight as theirs is an internal operation which is the removal of the uterus and ovaries through a cut made in the cat’s side or tummy. Spaying takes longer than castration and the cat always has stitches.
Both sexes have pain medication at the time of the operation but don’t suffer pain by the time they are ready to go home. Cats do hide their pain but a cat in pain would be obvious to a vet or vet nurse.
Both sexes are usually up and about when they go home, the males back to normal, the females too, but with stitches to be removed a week to ten days later. They soon forget the operation. Their troubles are over.
Neutering both sexes is for the good of the cat’s health and to prevent unwanted kittens being born into a world where there are not enough homes for cats and already too many are unwanted, in Rescue Shelters.
I have never seen a declawing in real life as even before it was banned in the UK, our vets would not do this cruel operation on any cat.
However I have seen videos of declawing and watched the last joints of the cats toes being amputated, by every way it is done. The crunch of the bone is sickening to hear as the bone cutters or guillotine slice through and I could almost smell the burning flesh and bone while watching a laser declawing.
I know from my many USA contacts, including vets and vet techs, that recovery from a declawing is NOT peaceful, the cat wakes up in pain and shock, many thrash around the hospital cage, some hunch in the corner, they are kept in at least overnight on strong pain medication and they need more pain medication to take home (complications of declawing).
Declawed cats have to adjust to life without their very necessary claws. They face a lifetime of mental and physical problems. Their troubles are far from over. In fact, their troubles are NEVER over.
Libby, it’s a pity that you didn’t get on this site BEFORE you took the decision to declaw your poor cat. You might have been educated as to the true nature of declawing and how it cripples a cat for life.
You might also have been educated about spaying and learned that it does not involve “ripping a uterus out of anything” – it is a surgical procedure done under anaesthesia with post surgical pain medication. It is done for the benefit of the animal because bearing litter after litter of unwanted kittens is no good for any cat.
Libby, I think I detect not only anger in your post, but massive guilt. Could it be possible that you are ashamed of what you did to your cat and you are finding it difficult to acknowledge how wrong it was?
You will find plenty of good, reliable and humane information on this site which will help you look after your cat and hopefully help you understand that declawing is true animal abuse.
“How about you all take up some causes that actually matter-like REAL animal abuse that takes place on a daily basis”
FYI we have taken up a cause that matters,that cause is declawing and it is real animal abuse that happens every day.
The only difference between declawing and the other forms of cat abuse we fight against is that the people abusing cats by declawing them are supposed to be caring for them,making them well,but they are making them ill instead by turning them into cripples.
Grow up Libby admit you were wrong to have paid one of those butchers in disguise to cripple your cat.
Libby, surely the information you were seeking shouldn’t have needed searching for!
How come the vet who amputated your cats toe ends on your behalf didn’t advise you on follow up care for your newly disabled shocked cat?
I don’t care WHO I upset, declawing IS cruel major surgery and the vets who are eager enough to fill their bank accounts by doing it should at least ensure that the cat is cared for properly after this barbaric procedure.
You think we don’t care about other stuff, I’ve got news for you, cat lovers are the most caring and compassionate people who not only care about cats being abused (illegally OR legally in your country by DECLAWING)
We have the brain and capacity to care for animals and people, we don’t waste our time writing rubbish re ‘jacked up’ whatever that means.
If your mutilated crippled for life cat is suffering then take her to a vet, a vet who sticks to his oath to cause no animal to suffer, a vet who does NOT declaw cats.
Do some research on declawing too and see just what you have done to your innocent pet.
I presume “jacked up” means overly confident and vociferous about something. If we are, we are proud of it because the cat needs a voice.
Sorry to disappoint you. We love cats. We respect cats. We therefore hate declawing. We can’t help that. We campaign against it. We have to, to keep our consciences clear and help cats. There are lots of pages though that would help you.
If you believe us, it is not uncommon for cats to suffer complications from declawing. It seems to me what you have to do is be aware of the possible complications and deal with them when they arise. That may mean a return visit to the vet. I’ll see if we can do a page on that subject.
Where do you get that idea from? Declawing is obviously wrong but abortion is a very difficult subject. The big difference between declawing and abortion is that there are nationwide laws in the UK and laws across the USA governing abortion. The citizens of the USA through their representatives have decided what to do with abortion.
You are not talking about the same thing or circumstances. If there were laws on declawing that would be great.
PoC has hundreds of pages on animal abuse. So, we do take up these subjects with vigor and passion. I think you have missed the pages and been too eager to criticise. You seem angry. Perhaps you are angry at yourself for declawing your cat.
You people are all so jacked up! You’ll defend a helpless cat getting declawed but by no means, would you ever defend a helpless baby getting mutilated and aborted! For whatever jacked up reason, a cat takes presidency over a human baby. It’s selfish to declaw a cat. But it’s not selfish to abort and mutilate a human child. That’s just called a woman’s right b/c it’s her body, and therefore she has ownership of the baby she’s killing. BUT, you simply declaw a cat in order to protect your children, your other small animals within the home or yeah, to protect thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home from taking place, and suddenly, your a sick human being? This world is so completely messed up and wrong on so many levels. Every single one of you people are nothing but bullies and wolves in sheep’s clothing. What a joke! I got on this site simply to see how to care for my pet AFTER I declawed her. Not to get some damn lecture about how “inhumane” you jacked up people think this procedure is. Personally, i think ripping a uterus out of anything, inserting a microchip and then claiming its all in the name of what’s “best” for the cat is even sicker! But that’s just my opinion. How about you all take up some causes that actually matter-like REAL animal abuse that takes place on a daily basis. And quit crucifying the people who truly do love their animals but choose a route they feel they must take for their PETS based on their circumstances within their home. This will be one sick society when the day comes that declawing your cat us illegal, but mutilating and aborting your child, is not!