Declawing surgery: cats bounce off the walls because of excruciating pain

close-up of the amputated claws of a cat
Close-up of the amputated claws of a cat

Just got this from Jennifer Conrad in an email. She quotes Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Professor of Behavioral Pharmacology and Director of the Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine and internationally known specialist in domestic animal behavioral research, explains declawing:

“The inhumanity of the procedure is clearly demonstrated by the nature of cats’ recovery from anesthesia following the surgery. Unlike routine recoveries, including recovery from neutering surgeries, which are fairly peaceful, declawing surgery results in cats bouncing off the walls of the recovery cage because of excruciating pain. Cats that are more stoic huddle in the corner of the recovery cage, immobilized in a state of helplessness, presumably by overwhelming pain. Declawing fits the dictionary definition of mutilation to a tee. Words such as deform, disfigure, disjoint, and dismember all apply to this surgery. Partial digital amputation is so horrible that it has been employed for torture of prisoners of war, and in veterinary medicine, the clinical procedure serves as model of severe pain for testing the efficacy of analgesic drugs. Even though analgesic drugs can be used postoperatively, they rarely are, and their effects are incomplete and transient anyway, so sooner or later the pain will emerge.”

What can we say? We hope that someone reads this and we hope that it stops a person from asking a veterinarian to mutilate her cat. We hope that this person understands what she is about to do. We hope that this person sees sense. We hope that this person does not just listen to her veterinarian when he or she misrepresents this horrifying operation to her.

You could not get a better quote from a better person. This is why I am publishing it here, on this website, verbatim. People who want to declaw their cat should read the quote at least twice, sit down, digest it fully, read this article as well, rethink what they’re doing and then finally they may change their mind. They should. And if and when they change their mind about this horrific veterinary operation they should then preach what they have learned to others. As many people as possible.

20 thoughts on “Declawing surgery: cats bounce off the walls because of excruciating pain”

  1. Well over a decade ago, in my first years as the Cats Expert for, I sent a proposal to my local California State Assemblyman for a “disclose and wait” ordinance. e.g., when a cat’s owner requested a declaw surgery, the veterinarian would be required to disclose the exact procedures used in declawing a cat, along with the potential side effects that could result, such as behavior problems, including urinating out of the box (resulting from pain when covering waste.) The disclosure would be in writing, and include a video depicting the declawing procedure. A three-day waiting period would be required to give the cat’s owner time to digest the material.

    Nothing was done with my proposal, and I found out later that the Representative’s assistant had intercepted the paperwork and destroyed it; and of course, the Rep had never been aware of it at all.

    Back then, typical response from many members of the veterinary field was much the same as it is today: “If owners can’t have their cats declawed, they will just either have them put to sleep, or surrender them to a shelter.”

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