Demand Dan Richards resign as president of the California Fish and Game Commission

Demand Dan Richards resign as president of the California Fish and Game Commission

by Michael

Dan Richards thinks like this guy! Photo Wikimedia Commons.

Dan Richards thinks like this guy! Photo Wikimedia Commons.

Demand Dan Richards resign as president of the president of the California Fish and Game Commission.

He is a fake and not fit to occupy the position of president of the California Fish and Game Commission (the Commission).

The Commission's decisions are based on the "biological needs" of Californian wildlife and the wishes of the people of California.

In summary Dan Richards has the important job of being a responsible steward of Californian wildlife.

The people of California, the most enlightened state is the US it seems, have decided that they want to protect the ever more rare, magnificent and elusive (wisely) mountain lion.

They made that clear in petitions etc in support of their desire through laws to make the mountain lion a "specially protected species" in California.

That is the background. Now the nasty bit. Dan Richards enjoys shooting mountain lions (puma or cougar). He particularly likes to do it in a way that is cruel and definitely not a sport. He uses dogs to chase the cat up a tree. The cougar is a great jumper and climber. When the cat is in the tree, Dan shoots it. It is as simple and as brutal as that. And he enjoys it!

As he can't participate in this cruel sport in California, liked so passionately by nethanderal man, he has to travel to Idaho where it is permitted.

He shot dead a beautiful and magnificent 3 year old, 115-pound male mountain lion. This was a form of "canned hunt" on a private estate. It was all set up for the ugly pleasure of Mr Austin, the important man from the Commission.

It makes me sick and it makes me mad. Dan Richards should resign as president of the California Fish and Game Commission. He has no place in conservation and managing wild species when he likes to kill, as he does, for his pleasure.

The mountain lion is a fine animal gradually being forced from its natural life in North America. All hunting should be banned and Dan Austin should be banned from ever working in public service connected with wildlife again.

The truth is that politicians, business and lobbying groups put these guys into positions like this to perpetuate hunting and the use and abuse of wildlife for commercial gain. It should have been banned years ago. It is a form of corruption.

Some links:

The original story.

Contact the Commission.

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Demand Dan Richards resign as president of the California Fish and Game Commission

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Mar 09, 2012 Yes NEW
by: Edward

I like you Leah man yes Id like to do the same as you and see a pack of dogs tear him to shreds.
I dont know why some people are so cruel and it makes decent people feel violent to know it goes on.

Mar 09, 2012 Facts NEW
by: Anonymous

It is legal in California and many other states to use dogs to pursue and track certain mammals, such as bears. California being one of the few states not allowing the technique for mountain lions. Sometimes the most humane way to remove a problem animal quickly.

To control the problem mountain lions in California the state issues depredation permits and pays professional hunters to kill the mountain lions. Paid through the state means if you pay CA state income taxes you are indirectly paying these professional hunters to kill mountain lions. Over 2,100 mountain lions have been killed since 1990 under this program. Why not have hunters buy hunting permits to only hunt the problem lions, saves tax money for a better purpose and also revenue for the state.

"The CA fish and game commission is involved in the MANAGEMENT and wise USE of Califonia's fish and wildlife resources." This taken straight out of the CA Dept. of Fish and Game web site.

I do believe there should be a healthy population of mountain lions as well as all natural animals to the state, but when you have a close relative killed by a mountain lion or wake up and find half your sheep dead on your property, then you start to believe a little wildlife management may be good for all.

Mar 08, 2012 Makes me bloody mad too!!! NEW
by: Leah England

How can it be that someone in a position of power who is supposed to protect animals be allowed to shoot them? How come he is allowed to keep his job? Its so hypocritical!!!

That would never happen here!

What an utter coward I wish a pack of dogs would chase him until his lungs collapse and then attack him rip him to shreds after all shooting is too good!!!

I cannot understand the mentality talk about double standards!!!

Why in this day and age isn't this barbaric hunting outlawed everywhere????

I will definately sign.

Mar 08, 2012 Cruel & sadistic shoting mountain lions !! NEW
by: Anonymous

Reading about how Dan Richards uses dogs to chase a mountain lion up a tree & proceeds to shoot/kill is utterly cruel & sadistic.
He should encounter same game, let's begin:
A)Place Dan Richards in unfamiliar territory, hungry & scared,running for his life,
B)have a wild pack of dogs or humans chase himtill he can no longer endure, allow him to take short break,
C) While Dan Richards is resting, proceed to shoot him with high power rifle till dead
D) Allow buzzards & crows to nibble on carcass.
Hope he reconsiders his action towards defenseless animals & NEVER forgets that what goes around comes around.
Sickened by cruel/sadistic treatment of animals

Mar 08, 2012 Cruel & sadistic shoting mountain lions !! NEW
by: Anonymous

Reading about how Dan Richards uses dogs to chase a mountain lion up a tree & proceeds to shoot/kill is utterly cruel & sadistic.
He should encounter same game, let's begin:
A)Place Dan Richards in unfamiliar territory, hungry & scared,running for his life,
B)have a wild pack of dogs or humans chase himtill he can no longer endure, allow him to take short break,
C) While Dan Richards is resting, proceed to shoot him with high power rifle till dead
D) Allow buzzards & crows to nibble on carcass.
Hope he reconsiders his action towards defenseless animals & NEVER forgets that what goes around comes around.
Sickened by cruel/sadistic treatment of animals

1 thought on “Demand Dan Richards resign as president of the California Fish and Game Commission”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Hunters are the primary conservationist in the United States. We advocate and pay for lands that are set aside for wildlife, for the programs that maintain their habitat and the rangers that ensure hunting laws and regulations are respected. We were doing this long before the nancy boys got involved and started having hissy fits about men being men.
    You don’t have the love of the outdoors and you don’t understand the connection to nature we experience through the hunt, regardless of weather we make a kill. That’s ok, but no need for your to have a panic attack, we can cure your ignorance and squeamish fear response.
    The head of fish and game did nothing wrong, and your hyperbolic response to his lawful taking of a mountain lion indicates you may be mentally unstable. I suggest you reach down between your legs, dig deep, and keep digging until you locate the testes that should have dropped at age 11″. Give them a good tug to set them in proper like, wait 72:hrs and you should start to feel a bit more confident and less like crying about something you have no control over. If not….we’ll the sissyfication is permanent and you should locate a safe place at the nearest university.

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