Deputy headteacher of Welsh school tells parents in a letter they won’t put out litter trays for pupils who identify as cats

There is an extraordinary letter online today written by the deputy headteacher of a respected Welsh school, West Monmouth School, which informs parents and carers that the school will not provide litter trays for pupils who wish to identify as cats. The letter is very serious and intended to be informative. It was written to deny claims that litter trays were being provided for “furries” meaning pupils who identify as animals.

Deputy headteacher of Welsh school tells parents in a letter they won't put out litter trays for pupils who want to be cats
West Monmouth School and the letter. Images: Wales News Service.

A little while ago there was a flurry of furry news on the Internet. I have written some articles about it and it seems to be genuine that some students want to identify as animals at school which I would argue is a worrying situation even a trend. Is this linked to mental health issues in a section of school kids?

RELATED: School accused of installing cat litter trays for students who identify as ‘furries’

And the deputy headteacher of this 1000 pupil high school boasting a string of famous alarm night including Sir Anthony Hopkins, the Hollywood star, felt it necessary to make a stand against what I see as the woke movement.

RELATED: UK students are allowed to identify as cats, horses and dinosaurs!

The letter implies that it is plausible to put out cat litter trays for pupils at school, otherwise, she wouldn’t have written the letter. If it was completely idiotic there will be no need to inform parents about their policy. But the headmistress has taken the situation seriously.

Her letter in some ways almost supports the notion that students might want to identify as animals including cats at school which is untenable in terms of practicalities. This is what she said:

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has come to our attention that there appears to be a number of queries and concerns raised within the community regarding the use of litter trays at West Monmouth School. I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that we do not and will not be planning on providing any litter trays at school.

Whilst we are an inclusive and welcoming school, we do not make any provision for any pupils who might identify as an animal of any kind. This kind of behaviour is not acceptable at school and as such, no provision is in place at school, such as litter trays.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,
Claire Hughes
Deputy Headteacher

2 thoughts on “Deputy headteacher of Welsh school tells parents in a letter they won’t put out litter trays for pupils who identify as cats”

  1. OMG how stupid! Here in the US some schools are smart and have buckets of litter in their class rooms if there is a active shooter and students are trapped for hours and sometimes they are, the students that need to pee can! Especially small children. This made up crap from RWNJ saying it was for kids who think they are cats can only come out of the mouths of fools!

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