Signs show from 2-17 days after exposure. The worst symptoms are at
10 days.
First severe sneezing lasts for about 1 – 2 days.
Next there is conjunctivitis. Ths is called “pink eye”. The eyes are pink.
Pink eye – Photo by Elisa Black-Taylor
There is also runny nose and the eyes water too.
Days 3 – 5 and the cat may have a fever and be apathetic and lose his or her appetite. How to check a cat’s temperature.
The watery discharge from the eyes and nose may become a mucous like discharge.
The cat might breath with mouth open. The eyes might be inflammed.
There may be a cough combined with sneezing.
Cat with cold – drooling
by Detlef C
Further signs are (for upper respiratory infection caused by calicivirus) ulcers in mouth, drooling and shortness of breath, dehydration (lack of skin elasticity), starvation.