Did public pressure start declawing?
by Ruth aka Kattaddorra
(County Durham,England)
Hi again, I admire you for giving this subject more space and as you already know, I think there is no justification for declawing cats. I thought this might interest you. I’ve also posted it on our Yahoo Claws group I’m co-founder of:
as well as our Claws group:
The Claws Connection, which you kindly put a link to on your other pages.
Roger Tabor (Broadcaster,author,biologist, and behaviourist) has given me permission to quote from his book The Rise of the Cat, page 184.It was a TV series too, although I didn’t see it.
‘The in-house cat
In the USA the house cat has become the house-bound cat. During the 1980s the majority of the American Cat Fancy magazine readers’ cats changed from an indoor/outdoor to a strictly indoor existence. This arose from their owners paranoia about the risk of disease, and a fear of traffic accidents. In urban New York these worries are understandable, but in the wilds, cats are jailed for the same reasons.
A house-bound cat shreds furniture, and so, forced by public pressure, declawing of the front paws is common veterinary practice in the USA – to the horror of British vets. It is not a stronger sort of nail-clipping but amputation under general anaesthetic. American vets face the unhappy choice of declawing an animal or killing it. To render a cat defenceless and unable to climb is to sentence it to house-bound internment and to destroy something of the essential cat.
Unsurprisingly, the inventor of cat litter was an American, Ed Lowe, who forty years ago suggested using absorbent clay in his neighbour’s earth-box. He started a business that now has sales of £300 million a year. A real measure of the changed lifestyle of American cats that an incredible 70 per cent of owners buy cat litter and a large part of this figure relates to rural cats. In Britain,where cats can go outside,the comparable figure is 15 – 20 percent.
Ruth aka Kattaddorra
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