This is a recent development in the investigation of the brutal torture and killing of Sage the cat in Clearfield, Utah. The case is ongoing and well publicised online and on Facebook. I am thankful to the Justice for Sage Facebook webpage for this update.
The am publishing a scanned copy of a letter from Animal Care & Control which is a statement concerning a second cat who was tortured near to the house where Sage lived. I wrote about this cat at the time:
This orange tabby was found a few hundred yards from Sage’s residence. The abuse of this cat apparently took place 20 days after Sage’s torture and death.

The owner of the orange tabby (cat X) is unknown and being sought. The owner may well have useful information leading to the arrest of Sage’s torturer if they are linked crimes.
They may be linked crimes because there are some similarities in the injuries. Although Sage suffered broken bones and cat X did not, cat X’s abuse had these characteristics: “burns, glue, silicone, whiskers and tail cut off” (Justice for Sage). Sage suffered “hot glue burns on his eyes, anus and genitals” I’m told.
Together with the geographical proximity of the crime, the modus operandi of the criminal is similar indicating a possible link between these two cases of cat cruelty. One person commenting on FB made a very good point: how many cat torturing psychopaths are there is that district of Clearfield? There can only be one and therefore the crimes are linked.
Below I publish the statement from Animal Care & Control. It does not tell us much to be honest but they are seeking the owner of cat X. This cat is under the care of a veterinarian.
P.S. If I have made an errors please inform me in a comment and I’ll amend promptly.

This story fizzled out. There was uproar and big attempts to find the perpetrator but as usual it proved to be impossible. One of the great barriers to catching animal abusers is evidence. You just don’t get it as the abuse happens when no one can see and no evidence is left behind and if it is the coppers are demotivated as it is ‘only a cat’.
Does anyone know where the Gomez family moved to? How’s the animal abuse in their new area???? AND……Why oh why do people let their cats outside???!!! Even if the Gomez family was the culprit in both cat abuse cases- there is NO reason to jeopardize your cat by letting it roam. Any evil monster can easily hide behind a nice smiling face. Next door, across the street. Despite “feeling that the cat needs to go outside” please find ways for your cats to be happy indoors- it is VERY easy to do so.
Very interesting and the first time I have heard this. Many thanks. It seems the plot thickens.
I was told by a former Animal Control officer that was either fired or quit soon after this case was being investigated that the second tabby cat that was tortured and lived belonged to the DA. She was told not to pick up the cat while it was recovering at the vet and not to confirm ownership I am assuming to be able to keep her job. I was not told whether there is a suspicion that Sage’s murderer was sending a message or it is just a coincidence that the cat belonged to the DA. I inferred that the DA was told not to claim ownership because the media would be asking a lot of questions and it appeared the authorities wanted this case gone. Questions like who failed the poly, etc., Can you imagine having to choose between your severely tortured cat and your job? Disgusting.