The question in the title is asked by LiveLeak News. They aren’t sure themselves what is cat abuse and what is not.
I don’t get it. The people in the video throwing two cats around the living room thinking it is okay and letting someone video them and post it on Facebook is imbecilic and arrogant behavior.
How can they think it is okay to do this? The cat is being thrown about 10 feet and on the first throw does a somersault. The cat could have been hurt then. Next he fails to catch the cat when she throws her back. Another possibility to hurt their cat. I stopped the video there as it was enough to realise that this was not about whether it was cat abuse or not but about human arrogance and ignorance.
The video was posted on Kaine Fowler’s Facebook page. (Elisa Black-Taylor) said that within one hour the police had been notified of what is obviously cat cruelty (it is to me). The woman is Melissa Candela. The place is Ashtabula, USA.
We are informed that the couple have been charged with cruelty to companion animals, which proves the point and answers the question in the title. The maximum sentence on conviction is a $1,000 fine and 6 months in jail.
They deserve it. He admits his actions were ignorant, stupid and foolish. As he was babysitting for someone living in the same apartment block, he has exposed himself to collecting another criminal charge.
Both Facebook and Twitter are dangerous websites to say and upload things to. Bad stuff gets picked up fast nowadays and then it is a short step to a knock on the door. People have to be careful.
The cats have been seized and are at a shelter: Ashtabula County Animal Protection League.
This couple should be arrested for animal cruelty- plain and simple. This is outrageous. Made my blood boil this morning.
How anyone can use live cats as toys is beyond the pole a far as cruelty is concerned. I hope that someone reports them- tracks them down. May they rot.
Have you read Irish’s comment which recites what Kaine Fowler says in response on Facebook? He is a very pleasant and well-educated person 😉 .
I think that says it all. Charming character. Thanks Irish.
Funnily enough the cat seems to be compliant. That may be a defense in their trial.
True enough but if that cat clawed him to death then then he/she would take off and find a good home like with you or me, or one of us on here. I like happy kitty cat endings. 😉 I can’t stand anyone who is cruel to animals. They give such love. I’ve had both dogs and cats and they are the best
Check this out,this is his reply and photo to getting busted by Garda (Police)…
Here’s his FB message in response:
“Kaine Fowler
5 hrs ·
OK I need to get this off my chest to all my fucking family and or friends that can’t handle the shit I put on my facebook than fucking delete me it’s that fucking easy to do I don’t tell and of u how to live your life’s so don’t tell me how to run mine and another thing sweep your own back door’s before u point out how dirty mine is because half of you r either two faced as fuck or u do the same shit I do”