Diana Ketcham was a determined cat rescuer: The Catnip House, Cat Rescue. She lived in Arkansas. She was on disability and funded her cat rescue with donations. I am sure it was a struggle. She had a 2 acre place that seems to have been very suitable for cats. A safe place. She died recently. I don’t know the cause. She does not look old in the picture. She looks strong and a person who knows her own mind.
We could say she was just another semi-anonymous cat lover struggling to put right some of the wrong done to cats. There are a lot of women like Diana; strong-minded and determined to do something to help unwanted cats. It takes a strong mind to do that. They almost go against the flow. It can be like swimming upstream for independent cat rescuers running their own cat sanctuary.
I think it is fair to say that quite a lot of people don’t like these ladies. Society often see strong-minded independent ladies who rescue and care for a lot of cats as “crazy cat ladies“. The prefix “crazy” says it all. They are not crazy. They are nice and decent. As Ruth (aka Kattaddorra) states, why are they branded as crazy? Fortunately a lot of people admire them and support them.
Diana’s husband, Max will presumably run The Catnip House (their FB page is still there) for a while, at least. It must be very tough for him.
This is a quote from the Planet Kitty author:
It is so very sad when a true, passionate, and compassionate animal advocate, rescuer, or warrior as i prefer, passes from this world onto the next. it means one of us is down. we are one warrior less in the rank of file of the few of us that goes to battle daily when we get up and get out of our beds.
She describes Diana Ketcham as a “warrior”. Perhaps that is a good description for a woman who fights for the welfare of cats and who constantly swims upstream.
May Diana rest in peace and thank you, on behalf of the cats of the world.
Max, thanks for commenting – useful comment.