The information in the infographic comes from Dr Bruce Fogle, the UK’s foremost veterinarian and author. It is vet approved. Seek vet advice on the most appropriate type of laxative for your cat. The information about feline constipation is also veterinarian approved.
RELATED: 17 causes of constipation in domestic cats
Notes on feline constipation
Constipation (difficulty passing stool) is a relatively common problem in cats, especially as they age or if they have underlying health issues. Let’s explore the details:
- Symptoms of Constipation in Cats:
- Meowing while pooing (indicating pain during defecation).
- Straining to poo for longer than usual without passing much.
- Repeatedly trying to poo in quick succession.
- Passing very hard or small bits of stool.
- Blood in the stool or around the anus.
- Over-grooming the back end.
- A painful abdomen (hunched appearance or growling when touched).
- Lethargy, vomiting, and decreased appetite.
- Causes of Constipation in Cats:
- Pain: If it hurts for a cat to pass feces or get into the right position to poo, they may avoid going and become constipated. This could be due to problems around their bottom, injuries, or arthritis.
- Blockage in the Guts: Something (like a bone, toy, or hairball) may obstruct the passage of stool through the intestines.
- Megacolon: A condition where the colon becomes enlarged and floppy, leading to stool buildup.
- Dehydration: Lack of sufficient water intake can result in very solid and difficult-to-pass stool.
- Stress: Household stress, changes in routine, or new pets can cause constipation.
- Treatment and Prevention:
- Diet and Exercise: Keep your cat regular with an age-specific diet and regular exercise.
- Stool Softeners or Mild Laxatives: These can help relieve constipation.
- Manual Encouragement: Sometimes gently encouraging cats to eliminate manually can be helpful.
If you suspect your cat is constipated, it’s crucial to seek advice from your vet promptly. Untreated constipation can become serious and uncomfortable for your feline friend.
Sources: multiple including: PDSA, Senior Cat Wellness, VCA Hospitals and Fist Vet.