by Shelby Townsend
(Fayetteville, NC, USA)
Animal rescue is my purpose; my life’s work. I will do whatever it takes to ease the suffering of the animals I love so much. My greatest effort is for “backyard dogs”. On August 1, it will be illegal to chain a dog in Cumberland County, NC. I worked long and hard for that ordinance, often feeling very alone, but never giving up. I have learned that many people are sickened and disgusted by the cruel treatment of animals, but very few of them are willing to step up to the plate and speak for those who have no voice. They fear failure, ridicule, reprisal, loss of friends, even violence against themselves and their families. Fortunately, I’m not real concerned about what animal abusers and naysayers think of me.
“The Big Fix” is a ten page document that describes the many ways we can stop companion animal over-population and stop the daily euthanasia at our shelter. Nine thousand animals were killed by lethal injection at our shelter last year. Five thousand of those were cats. Half of the cats were feral. In Cumberland County (NC) feral cats are included in the “nuisance animals” section of our statute. It is illegal to trap, spay or neuter, notch ear, and return to the colony.
I’m trying to get permission to do a “study group” with two colonies in our county. I have volunteers for both colonies. I need funding for that life-saving program.
I am sole owner and director of Unchain Cumberland County, tax exempt under “Rules of Organization”. We help with spay and neuter through SNAP-NC, fences, shelter, rabies shots, food, just whatever it takes. Our money comes from yard sales, raffles, donations, whatever we can do to raise the money to pay for the needs of the animals. If The Big Fix is to be successful, we need a sponsor or a grant. Please help us, if you can.
(The Big Fix document may be viewed at (Note: at Nov 2016 this link is broken) after July 26. We are updating at this time.
Thank you so much for all you do.
Shelby Townsend
Unchain Cumberland County
910 425-0967
Bless you for the work you have done. I can’t help from where I am. Someone may see your comment but if I am honest that is unlikely. I would have thought a genuine no kill shelter is the answer but is there one near you and do they have room?
please help have found cats and took care of them fostered, spayed and found two strays …and healed them but I am in a domestic situation and have to leave and can only keep two…I need them homed or shelter. They are used to indoors and been outdoors on leash the strays are used to outdoors. very well behaved , trained in tricks and just healthy and fit loving and cuddly…play. can you help.