I have written this article in response to several remarks made on the article about two women who enjoy hunting with a bow and arrow (opens a new window). I’ve been told that I write things that could be considered slander or libel. I’d like for everyone to know that the articles I do have several reputable references to back up what I’m saying.
“Betty KooKoo” (a commenter) has the belief that the other online news site I write for about cats, Greenville Cats Examiner, is monitoring the comments made and will use them against me as evidence. The truth is, for most of the articles I do for them I check to keep the comments closed due to two cat haters named Nature_Proponent and Reality Bytes.
In this February article, I kept comments open for awhile until those two (who post within MINUTES of each other, leading me to believe they’re the same person) had the family of a sweet little 7-year-old boy named Kaleb Brooks, who does work to benefit the cats in his area, fearing for his safety. Michael has also written about him.
I opened the article back up long enough to make screenshots of the comments in question and copy the text, then closed it again so no comments can be made. Unfortunately, I don’t have the privilege of removing some comments and leaving others. That’s why I love writing for PoC, because Michael can control what goes on his website.
Here are the screenshots (the reproduced comments are below them):
Here are the comments:
“Instead of praising this little ignorant hellish demon they should instead give him some mandatory lessons in matters of ecology and biology. All he is doing now is helping to destroy the very planet upon which his own future and life, and the lives of all others, depend.
If your cats were only destroying invasive species (cats themselves being a noxious invasive species), then nobody would be complaining. But your vermin cats destroy anything that moves. Letting a cat roam free is absolutely no better than intentionally throwing rat-poison around on everyone’s property to kill any living thing. Your man-made vermin cats are now driving hundreds if not thousands of species of native animals to EXTINCTION across the whole planet. Have you no conscience nor morality left?
Apparently gutting-alive and skinning-alive animals with everyone’s vermin cats, tortured to death just for your cats’ play-toys and YOUR entertainment, no other reason, is perfectly acceptable to you. Yeah, you’re all fine upstanding “animal-lovers” who respect all other lives around you and all other life on earth, aren’t you.Let’s thank these psychotic bible-home-schooled cat-licking cretins for all the fine work they do for being such fantastic “animal lovers”, shall we? THEY JUST LOVE CATS SO MUCH! So caring! So thoughtful! So intelligent! So FULL of love for living things! So much so that they will even sacrifice whole races of humans to death-by-birth-defect to prove how much they love their cats.
I’d love to thank them all, each with a gift of a solitary-confinement prison-cell — FOR LIFE. Better yet, for their VAST ecological crimes and sins against all of nature and all of humanity, hanged-until-dead would be a far more fitting “gift” for them AND the whole planet. That used to be the punishment for engaging in bio-warfare against the human population and all other animal life in any country. I say bring it back — special, just for them.”
Reality Bytes
“You’re right. Rotting away in a prison-cell for life is too good for these fools. If anyone wastes even one more penny or even one more minute out of their lives in having to deal with them and their cats, that will be one more minute and one more penny far too much already. It’s time to haul them in and give them every punishment they deserve under all national and international bio-terrorism and bio-warfare laws. That’s usually a capital offense. Over and done with them all.”
Your thoughts?
Readers, after reading these two comments, would any of you consider this a cyber threat against a minor? Should this be reported to anyone with the ability to act on these comments, and to whom? Am I just taking these comments out of context? Imagine if your 7-year-old child or grandchild knew this had been said.
PoC will continue to get many of my articles where comments have to be regulated. I just think it’s sad that anyone can be filled with so much hate, and direct that hate towards a child.
It is so sad and naive that the Woodys of the world think all cats are destroying the ecosystem. What would the planet be like if there were no people to control animals the way these Woodys think they should be controlled? Probably running smoothly just like before humans came on the scene. Humans seem to have the knack for ruining everything they touch. Nature is created so that it runs itself.