Do bobcats hunt in packs?

Cooperative hunting by bobcats seems to be rare. A courting pair of bobcats were tracked hunting together. They were tracked through snow. They visited several spruce plantations where there were snowshoe hares.

In each place:

“the cats moved through the plantation about 10 to 15 meters apart and appeared to alternate stopping as the other moved forward 15 to 20 meters”. — McCord CM 1974 Selection of winter habitat by bobcats (Lynx rufus) on the Quabbin Reservation, Massachusetts.

Bobcat in backyard in Calgary
Bobcat in backyard in Calgary

Two bobcats were seen to unsuccessfully attack a javelina (a peccary or skunk pig) in central Arizona. — Foldesh WE. 1982 An attack by bobcats on an adult javelina.

My apologies for not writing much on this subject. There is little verified information on it. But the point is made that bobcats do rarely, perhaps extremely rarely, hunt in packs or pairs.

Bobcats are elusive and are rarely seen hunting.

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