Do caracals purr?

Yes, caracals purr. The caracal possesses the usual range of feline sounds including meowing (more like a bird chirping when made by a caracal kitten), gurgling, hissing, growling, spitting, purring and a wah-wah-call. They also produce a harsh hissing bark when a strange animal comes within close range according to observations by C.T. Stuart which he records in his Notes on the mammalian carnivores of the Cape Province, South Africa, 1981. A female also barked when a young male tried to mate with her.

Caracal meowing
Caracal meowing. But this is a very unique form of meowing. It is a bit scary to be honest.

A particularly interesting aspect of carcal communication is whether they communicate with their extraordinary tufts of black fur at the end of their ears. A woman who kept a caracal as a pet said that they do. Caracal kittens fighting over food created a cacophony of violent sounds

Video of caracal kitten ‘meowing’

Here is a video of a caracal cub meowing in a very idosyncratic and slightly scary way. It is a little like a raptor from Jurassic Park.

Remember caracals can be quite large at 20 kilograms (44 pounds). They have large teeth and claws and can jump vertically to around 10 feet! They look great and very exotic but they are wild and dynamic.


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