Do Jaguars Eat Crocodiles?

Jaguars eat caiman which are closely related to alligators and crocodiles. They are relatively small sized crocodilians. The average maximum weight is around 88 pounds. The exception is the black caiman which can be extremely large, weighing up to 2400 pounds.

Jaguar kills caiman. I believe you can see the jaguar employing its special way of killing: forcing its canine teeth into the skull.
Jaguar kills caiman. I believe you can see the jaguar employing its special way of killing: forcing its canine teeth into the skull. Photo: Justin Black/Caters News

Having researched the question in the title thoroughly it seems to me that jaguars do not attack and eat crocodiles but they do, depending upon the availability, eat caiman. These will usually be small caiman.

Jaguars are known to kill large prey in what is described as a third way namely using their incredibly strong bite to force their canine teeth into the skull of the prey. Jaguars are known to often have chipped teeth for this reason.

Jaguars living on the floodplain of the San Jorge and Cauca rivers in northern Colombia regularly eat caiman. It depends upon the location and the sort of prey that exists in that location.

Jaguars eat a very wide range of prey which varies with geographic location. More than a eighty-five species of prey have been reported. The mean weight of Jaguar prey is 15.6 kg (34 pounds) was maybe lighter than what you might have imagined. This cat seems to prefer peccaries, which are medium-sized pigs found in Central and South America. Another name for this animal is the javelina.

4 thoughts on “Do Jaguars Eat Crocodiles?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. If I’m eating pork, my cat always want a few bites. She’s never had any side effects. I did a search, and found several cat foods with pork, including Royal Canin (out of stock0. Also when I searched POC, I found it mentioned in the article “Best Cat Food USA 2015”.

    Also, someone mentioned that mostly all pork is sold for human consumption, except the ears, which are saved for dogs. Most of the pig ears I see in pet stores, are from China. Buyer Beware!

  3. This is the first time I’ve read that a cat eats pig, or pork. I’ve always wondered why there is never even been a pork-flavored cat food, let alone pork being an ingredient, and I don’t know why. Anyone? I’ve never read a warning if it’s bad for them either.

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