Do neutered cats still get boners? To some this is a rude question but if we answer it purely from a physiological viewpoint and scientifically it’s okay 🙂 . The answer is YES based on my personal experiences of observing my cat companion, Gabriel.
He’s neutered and to my slight embarrassment he likes to have sex on my left and right arm when I wear a grey fleece dressing gown. He favours my right arm.
After he has ‘done his thing’ he jumps off and sits on the floor ready to clean his willy. I therefore have a clear view of it and it is a boner at that time.
He takes about one to two minutes to lick it (and the surrounding area) clean and it retracts into him during this time.
The domestic cat’s penis is interesting because the cat can move it to a certain extent left and right or forwards and backwards like a finger.
It is quite a flexible piece of anatomy unlike that of the male human. There are muscles inside connected to nerves for the cat to control his penis like this.
As you almost certainly know, the domestic cat’s penis is barbed so that when it is withdrawn it stimulates the female to ovulate. It hurts her and she swipes at him and yowls.
Clearly removing the testes does not stop a cat having an erection. But there is no sperm. It seems that the hormone testosterone produced in the testes (now removed) is not the only trigger to a boner. An erection is the result of a “complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular, and endocrine factors…”. It must be these other factors which results in the successful erection. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone.
Although my cat likes to do his thing regularly it is entirely automatic and unthinking. It has to be because there is no chance of procreation doing it on my arm while being neutered
That’s about it on this subject. Anymore and it might get embarrassing or rude.
P.S. No comments from trolls please.

My male and female cats are both fixed and they try to mate. He’s 7yrs and she’s 2yrs. He weighs 20lbs and is long legged, she’s 8lbs and short legged.
They haven’t had any success in actual mating, yet. Least not that I’ve seen. She can’t hike her rear high enough and he can’t get low enough. I wish y’all could see how funny they are. They’ve tried other positions besides the normal one. On their sides and even on her back.
I just let them do their thing but if I laugh he jumps off as if “caught”. So I try not to interrupt their fun.
He wants to hump you as his mother. Inbreeding if it was possible. Thankfully not.
Yes, that’s pretty normal. It’s okay. Natural behavior. He probably sees you as his mother and wants to mate with you! Makes you laugh but it is probably true.
I have tried to stop mine from doing it many times.. I just look away because he just finds another place to lick himself. Mine doesn’t hump anything, he just gets a boner when I pet him and talk to him.
I know this post is old but I have a pure bred Bengal, well 2 males. One of them gets boner every time I pet him and give him affection. Every single time. He was neutered along with his brother at around 5 months old.
Frustration comes to mind. The sex drive is big for cats and the wild cat is just under the surface but no one to be the recipient. It is to be expected. Thanks for sharing and I am pleased someone else gets to see another version of this feline behavior. Some people are embarrassed by it. To me it is natural cat behavior.