Do You Have Cat Grandkids?

Do You Have Cat Grandkids?

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Midnight is my cat grandkid

Midnight is my cat grandkid

Do any of you have cat grandkids? There's a whole new generation of cat grandparents out there and we want the world to know we're not ashamed of the title.

Of courses there are dog grandkids and dog grandparents too.

This trend is gaining in popularity as more people are putting off having children for different reasons. Some people choose not to marry and those who do marry decide the expense and time needed to have and raise children is just too much.

This isn't about not liking or desiring human children. Some people either don't want the expense or the responsibility. I may as well say it, some people don't want children. Period.

They get a cat instead.

This cat becomes their "child." Not only do the the owners of said cat become parents, the owners parents now treat the cat as they would a grandchild. Meaning when they come for a visit they bring presents for the cat. It may be a small gift such as a bag of catnip or a stuffed mouse. Or for holidays, an elaborate cat tree or cat bed may be wrapped to be opened by the cat.

If you find yourself browsing cat cat categories on or for presents for you daughter or son's cat, then YOU definitely have cat grandkids.

Cat grandparents even videotape and photograph the cat playing in the wrapping paper and the with the new toy and upload their masterpieces to their favorite website.

Cat grandparents refer to their cat grandkids by their first name when talking to friends. I would imagine many times people think they're being told a story about a person instead of a cat.

Everyone here knows I'm a cat mama. I'm also a cat grandma to Laura's cats Lola and Midnight. Midnight's on Facebook and she calls me an antique because I'm over 50 now.

Do you have cat grandkids? Do you talk about them as if they were human children? Do you offer presents when you visit? I would imagine a cat would begin to prefer those who visit, pet them and offer them treats or gifts. If you don't do this personally, do you know of anyone who does?

Has the world gone crazy in its extent to make cats a vital part of the family? In my opinion, that's what this trend is all about. Cats are a part of our family and anyone who believes otherwise won't remain a friend of mine for long. At least not in my case. It's love me, love my cats (and cat grandkids).

So don't make fun of my cat grandkids or you'll have a crazy cat lady to deal with! MEOW!


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Do You Have Cat Grandkids?

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Apr 08, 2012
Cats are perfect grandkids !
by: Anonymous

Truly enjoyed article regarding cats as grandkids, thru late husbands 2 sons we have 7 grandkids, sadly we never bonded with any of them.
Cats are a completely different story. Do not judge/criticize us but love us unconditionally. Quite often we read about a person leaving a fortune with arrangement to so cats will be well taken care off by a great caregiver.
Some humans do not appreciate what's willed to them, usually wasting their inheritance.
My cats are my kids/grandkids.
Southeast Arizona

Apr 07, 2012
by: Michaael

If I'd had children, I would be a big time grandparent to a cat or cats. No question about it.

You know that one of the advantages of being a grandparent is that you can dip in and out at your leisure to play with the grandkids or grandcats and then let your children take over the hard stuff.

You can also pass on all your worldly wisdom to your children about how to care for cats!

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