Does a Cat have Nine Lives?

by Poochu

First pigeon

First pigeon

First pigeon Loud meow

Careless throwing of poisoned rodent carcass in the open takes away the life of feral kittens.

This human negligence killed a hungry black male feral kitten through "Secondary Poisoning".

Weeks later when the dead feral's sibling, an orange male kitten was found vomiting yellowish frothy mucous followed by bloody stools, a visit to the Vet was helpful in restoring his health back to normal within a week.

Being the weakest in his all male kindle of three, he has been compensated by Mother Nature with a loud meow which made me feed him in his "no food days".

These feeding stints helped him avoid eating rodent carcass when in extreme hunger.

Now when ever he is hungry he comes to my home, eats, sleeps on his special mattress for a while and leaves to play with his brawny orange brother.

Yesterday he hunted his first pigeon and did not let his brawny brother share it till he had his fill.

Long live the weak kittens when timely care and affection are provided by us humans.


Associated Pages:

Cat has nine lives (opens new window)

Why does a cat have nine lives?

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Does a Cat have Nine Lives?

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Feb 05, 2011 A Kitten Saved Becomes a Cat That Begets Nine Kittens.
by: Poochu

Michael thanks again and please do not apologise, giving us kitten and cat lovers a medium to express their plight is to be appreciated.

And as Finn Frode has rightly observed we Humans are ever ingesting toxins, which cannot be avoided till organic farming and being a vegitarian is the norm of life.

And Ruth am pleased to read your kind words. The kittens I rescue never forget me and that is my reward.

Thanks all again till I bring more kitten and cat news from India.

Feb 04, 2011 Thank goodness for you Poochu
by: Ruth

Hello again Poochu, it was nice to see another article by you, I missed you.
It's very sad that cats are killed by secondary poisoning, feral cats already face enough hardship and many dangers and some people are very careless about throwing out stuff which can harm them.
Thank goodness for you and people like you who care.
You can't save them all but it sounds to me that you are making a wonderful effort to help as many cats as you can.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 03, 2011 The food chain
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Poochu. Thank you for sharing this story about the two brothers.
I think the horrible end of the kitten eating a poisoned caucus demonstrates why we humans should be very careful about whate chemicals we use. They will eventually go further up in the food chain. In this case a kitten, in other cases animals eaten by humans - and eventually into humans too.

Thank you for taking good care of the orange kitten. You are a kindhearted person. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 03, 2011 Three things
by: Michael

Thanks, Poochu, for sharing. It is really nice to hear from India. I have been to India in the early 1970s. I like your country.

Your story is both sad and hopeful. Please come back and tell us some more India stories.

One or two words were inadvertently changed due to problems with software. I apologise for that.

Michael Avatar

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