Does Anthony Hopkins play piano for his cat?

Does Anthony Hopkins play piano? This is what people want to know and the answer is… Yes. He is doing it here in a video for his cat, a grey tabby whose name is Niblo who is enjoying it. Hopkins is currently in self-isolation because of the Covid-19 pandemic. He says that ‘Niblo is making sure I stay healthy and demands that I entertain him in exchange..’

Hopkins and Niblo his cat who he is serenading
Hopkins and Niblo his cat who he is serenading. Screenshot.

Hopkins seems to have serenaded Niblo before on camera and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he does a lot at home.

Hopkins, who is at that age when you get philosophical about life as you can clearly see the exit, said in a recent interview about driving around Venice:

I was driving around Venice the other day, and I thought, ‘It’s all a dream. What a struggle it all is. It’s all an illusion, but it’s the glory of life, the sheer glory of looking for it in everything’.

I have no idea what he means but it sounds good. He is a great actor. I think we all a agree. And importantly he likes cats and dogs (he also has dog). He is in awe of Niblo’s athletic abilities. He should be as cats are great athletes.

P.S. Anthony Hopkins looks like my late dad.


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