Don’t write off homeopathy as a treatment for cats. And don’t forget that this is a home treatment but it is vital to read up on it first. I have an ongoing success story regarding the use of homeopathy as a medical treatment for animals and it concerns curing mange in foxes. Half a dozen drops of Arsenicum & Sulphur onto fox food daily cures that nasty and highly irritating skin parasitical infestation called mange. It absolutely cures the disease and it is great to see a fox becoming happy again after suffering weeks and months of dire itchiness due to mites burrowing into their skin.

RELATED: Don’t ignore homeopathy as a possible treatment for your cat
So, homeopathy works for me in for one specific health problem for one specific animal (and not cats). For me this strongly indicates that people can’t say willy-nilly that homeopathy is a sham. It is not. But this is what 1,000 vets in the UK have said.
The BBC reports on July 8, 2016, that about 1,000 UK vets signed a petition calling for a ban on homeopathy being prescribed to animals. They say that ‘it is difficult to envisage any justification’. They should talk to me or better still telephone the National Fox Welfare Society. They provide the homeopathic cure free of charge and over the years have delighted tens of thousands of fox loving customers. They have all experienced the benefits of this treatment.
Scientists are less sure of themselves as to whether homeopathy works on animals. They have a study called: Efficacy of homeopathy in livestock according to peer-reviewed publications from 1981 to 2014, so it has been around for a long time.

RELATED: Homeopathy Cures Cat of Autism Caused by Vaccination
They say that ‘Homeopathy is widely used in livestock, especially in order to reduce the use of antibiotics, although it is often seen as controversial’. Clearly a lot of farmers believe in homeopathy.
The scientists reviewed existing studies; 52 in all, of which 28 ‘were in favour of homeopathy’ with ’26 trials showing a significantly higher efficacy in comparison to a control group”. This sounds very promising because it indicates a reasonable success rate.
However, in 22 trials there was no medicinal effect. Also, they concluded that the successful results could not be ‘repeated under comparable conditions’.
Overall, they concluded that they cannot predict that homeopathic medicine can be an effective treatment.
However, their research would not justify banning homeopathy as a treatment for animals as petitioned by the veterinarians of the UK.
As I said, it works as far as I am concerned but I don’t know if it can be effective for a range of health problems in cats. Probably not but there is no hardship in trying it if treatment is not urgent.
Homeopathy works slowly. It took about 2 months to cure my foxes of mange. But is an entirely safe treatment with zero side effects. It is a gentle treatment and a lot of people would welcome that.
An archived article on the Daily Mail website states: Homeopathy Works!. They refer to a study concerning allergy sufferers which concluded that they were 10 times more likely to be cured than those given a dummy pill. However, you will have noticed that I don’t have any news stories in which a cat or cats were cured by this alternative treatment.
Homeopathy works like vaccines. Practitioners say that ‘like cures like’. Take the example I have given about foxes. The treatment is meant to produce similar symptoms to those created by the mite causing mange. The body reacts to the treatment by triggering immune defences which in turn fights the actual illness and cures it. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) is the inventor of the treatment. He was horrified at the barbaric and harmful treatments of his time and sought something less invasive and damaging.
Below are some more pages on alternative treatments.