Does My Cat Resemble a Particular Breed?
by Josh
Our cat
We just adopted this little bundle of joy and she has UNENDING energy. She does not want to ever just lay down like most cats...and much unlike my part Siberian. Yet she knows to keep her distance.
Anyway, she seems to have a two part coat - though I haven't been able to keep her still long enough to really see lol.
She has white points on everything but her tail and on the inside of her chest. Also she is at best guess about 8 mo old and maybe 4 or 5 lbs.
I was hoping to get some insight on if she appears to be just a total random bred or if she resembles any particular breed. Thanks!
Hi Josh... Thanks for visiting and asking. I would like to say that your little bundle on energy resembles a purebred cat but I don't really think that she does.
She resembles a random bred cat - sorry. The Snowshoe cat is one purebred cat that has white points but this is only due to the same gene that affects your cat - the white spotting gene. The presence of a common gene does not mean that there is a bit of Snowshoe in your cat.
I hope that you are not disappointed. I have two random bred cats myself. I wouldn't have it any other way. Random bred cats need us more than purebred cats as there are more of them that need homes.
There only true difference between purebred and random bred cats is that the former has a pedigree - the parents and their parents were also purebred and it is all logged down, recorded. And of course purebred cats are bred to have an more "refined" and outstanding appearance.
But appearance is a matter of taste and after a while appearance is very much secondary to character and the bond between cat and human.
Plus, on a general level, random bred cats are likely to be healthier and live longer because they come from a wider gene pool.