Dog Breeds For Cat Companions

Dog with Cat. Greyhound? with Abyssinian.
Dog with Cat. The cat is an Abyssinian.

Is there a dog breed that is more likely to get on well with cats? You can look at in two ways:

  1. The conventional view: some dog breeds are more suited to getting along with cats, or…
  2. The more realistic view: whether a dog gets along with cats depends on how the dog has been socialized which means whether the dog has been raised with cats in a friendly animal loving home. The breed of dog or whether the dog is purebred or not is irrelevant.
  3. In addition to number 2, individual cats and dogs have their personalities, likes and dislikes which includes liking and disliking other animals. Both 2 and 3 dictate if a dog gets along with a cat rather than the dog’s breed although some breeds may be more placid which probably helps the process.

See some dogs with cats

If you believe number one then the lists below come from a variety of websites. You can see that some dog breeds are listed more than once. This may not be significant because people copy information but at least it provides some pointers – maybe.

10 thoughts on “Dog Breeds For Cat Companions”

  1. Good point. I’ll add that to the page. I had forgotten to add it in. It is down to socialisation as a fundamental and overlaid on that is the individual cat and dog’s personality.

  2. Many years ago I had a male Boxer dog when I adopted two kittens. Despite being siblings,the kittens never got on that great and as adults, had as little to do with each other as possible. However the male kitten and the dog became best friends. They loved playing together in the garden and were affectionate towards each other.

    I’m of the opinion that it’s down to the personality and temperament of the individual animal as to how sociable or tolerant of others they are.

  3. I know you are right DW. It is sort of convenient to think that certain breeds are more suitable. The harder thing is to make any dog suitable. I have always liked your photo “touching hands”.

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