CAMBRIDGESHIRE, UK – NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a very special relationship. It is cast-iron proof that chemistry can exist between animals just as it does between humans. Although the cat is very motivated to seek companionship. In this instance, an adorable little dog whose name is Benji, a cross between a Jack Russell and a Springer Spaniel (I believe), has fallen for a little black cat. It happened about 20 months ago when Benji was a puppy. When he was out for a walk, he was joined by this black cat, who I have decided is female.

We don’t have a name for the cat because, although she is described as a ‘neighbour’s cat’, it is probably that she is a stray; information that I have gleaned from watching the TikTok videos of Benji’s owner, Sarah Hunt. She said that they’ve been inseparable since meeting. They brush against each other and jump around the garden daily. A daily schedule has been adopted by them with the cat crying out for Benji and by attracting attention in pawing at the back door.
The cat follows Benji and Sarah for their entire walk and it started when Benji was four months old. She even joined them when they walked for 20 minutes to the local town of March. Sarah thought that the cat was interested in her and her partner but not Benji. That idea was scotched when she let Benji out in the garden and the little black cat jumped down from a fence to join and play with him.
They become closer and closer and she waits for Benji in the garden all day.
Note: the videos don’t work when embedded. Sorry. If you click on the links you’ll be taken to them on TikTok.
Comment: in the second video on this page, you can see that Sarah discusses who the black cat’s owner might be. It’s pretty clear to me that this is a stray cat. It is also clear to me that this is a very lonely, stray domestic cat who wants a new home as soon as possible! Sarah is going to check the microchip and if she cannot find the owner, she wants to adopt her. This, I am certain, is the right thing to do. There’s no question in my mind that this is an ideal opportunity for her to find a great companion for her dog and to greatly improve the life of this charming little black stray cat.
You can see that there is a rusty look to her black coat. I have discussed at some time ago in another article which may interest you.