Dogs being trained to kill stray cats in Taipei, reports say – Taipei Times

Amid concern that dogs are being trained to hunt and kill stray cats in Taipei, the Taipei City Government yesterday said that it has received 85 such reports this year.

Dogs in Tapei hunt stray cats
Dogs in Tapei hunt stray cats

It is pleasing to know that in Tapei, Taiwan they have animal protection laws. If people are training dogs to kill cats it is a crime in Taiwan. The penalties are similar to those in the West.

But what is going on? It would appear that some people like to go hunting with dogs for stray cats as a pastime. Why else do this?

In a sinister twist to the story, witnesses said that the dogs responded to a whistle as a command to run off but they did so without making a sound indicating, they say, that the dogs had been completely debarked.

The signs are that these dogs were not simply chasing cats. They had been trained to kill them stealthily.

The local authorities rely on the public to acquire the evidence as they have limited resources.

There is concern that the dogs might start attacking people. This is the first time that I have heard about dogs being trained to kill cats in urban areas. It smacks of hunting with dogs.

If this is true, once again the stray cat is being victimised and persecuted. This happens in many different ways but this is a novel one.

Source: Dogs being trained to kill stray cats in Taipei, reports say – Taipei Times

1 thought on “Dogs being trained to kill stray cats in Taipei, reports say – Taipei Times”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I thought you were all gung-ho about “the circle of life”. Isn’t that why you applaud your cats when they kill other animals? Now it’s the cats’ turn and somehow your values no longer apply? What gives? Plain old hypocrisy? Ignorance? What?

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