The figures are based on a collation of many studies. It is dangerous to make bold statements about the impact of roaming domestic cats on wildlife. There are many articles on the subject, a high proportion of which are frankly misleading due to bias and “estimations” and “extrapolations”. All rather pointless to be honest. These figures are the best I have seen but they only indicate the diet (the sorts of animals preyed upon) of roaming domestic cats who eat live prey. There is no comment on the extinction of any species because of domestic cats. That is a very complex subject which is abused by people with an axe to grind.
The full description is:
Average frequency of occurrence of mammals, birds and reptiles in the diet of the domestic cat based on gut or scat (feces) analysis in relation to cats in the northern hemisphere, meaning Europe and N.America combined, and on islands with and without seabirds.
This is a quote from the excellent book: The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behavior (I have it on Kindle):
“Careful studies are still needed before ‘condemning’ all cats to an indoor life, or even forbidding them as pets.”
The hunting success rate of the domestic cat – a very successful predator is good. They require only between two and five pounces to capture prey. The success rate depends on the prey species. The wait before the pounce is important and a factor in success.
His name? Yes, it needs to be said. His name is Sutton. Richard Sutton. He loved the birds in his backyard, and hated his neighbor’s cats. Let’s just start a listing, of those who deigrate cats, especially in the field of education. grrrr….
For example, I witnessed a Professor who was applying for his PhD, tell my fellow peers to throw ice clods at a feral cat on East Campus, UNL. I was the only student who spoke up and told my fellow students to not do such an abominable thing to an innocent, scared animal…
Well. I would certainly rather see a biologist or Smithsonian alumni prey upon a fellow human, rather than upon a domestic feline who decides to take up respite with a fellow Lynx. 😉
It is about human ignorance and arrogance as usual. I am beginning to dislike Mr Human.
My thoughts are this: any organization who continues to prey upon the domestic feline, rather than the humans who seem to think that a bird species is far more important, deserves to preyed upon themselves, for I am a certain species of Biology who refutes this. And I have witnessed domestic cats being preyed upon by humans of a doctoral nature who seem to think that wild cats don’t deserve a chance to exist, while their own species of pets do.
The Smithsonian in my experience have an agenda against the feral and stray cat. They are biased which is unscientific.