Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover
by Maggie Sharp
(Hobart, Tasmania, Australia)
Judgemental eyes?
The other day I had a very curious thought present itself when a friend of mine bluntly said "your cat is ugly".
We are constantly told that judgment is shallow, and that one should not be judged by their physical appearance, which is just general respect for people as individuals, but why does this only apply to humans?
So many people are always competing to have the most exotic looking cat, or the cutest puppy, and to be honest I've noticed that no matter what the animal is or what the circumstances are, the first thing people notice is the look/appearance of the animal.
I know this is a thought that probably doesn't cross people's minds too often. But people should really keep their eyes open, and whenever you're at a pet store, or introducing your pet to someone, notice how the first thing people will do is judge the animal on based on its appearance.
It's strange how sensitive we humans are to judgment, and yet we pass judgment to animals so freely...