65 thoughts on “Don’t turn the light on just yet”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Marc. I have fixed the comment picture upload problem. It was a plugin called Smush It! which strips out metadata from the image to make the file size smaller. Google likes that sort of SEO even though it only saves about 3kbs (3,000 bytes – big deal). Anyway for Smush It! the image is sent to a Yahoo server were it is worked on and then sent back to the site. At best this slows things down but at worst it fails to upload. I have disabled the plugin so comment image upload works fine now. Sorry for the hassle

  3. It is still sluggish. I think the problem is signalling back to the browser that the picture has been uploaded. I don’t know. It just about worked this time but badly. I’ll work on this more to fix it hopefully.

  4. That cat in the photo has a clipped ear – so must have been a stray before this photo was taken – which is good.

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