Double Trouble: Expensive Cat Stolen from Pet Shop

For me this is double trouble human-style. The wrong-doers are people and the victims are – you guessed it – animals. Firstly, I think we (decent-minded people with a conscience) have decided that pet stores which sell pets should no longer exists because there are too many beautiful homeless cats needing a good human caretaker. Pet stores should only sell pet products.

Secondly, theft is a crime and when the value of the “merchandise” is $1,500 it is considered a serious crime, a felony, in the USA.

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There is another aspect to this: the stolen Siamese cat has gone to an unknown environment and as the cat is the subject of the crime no doubt the thieves will be unable to create a calm, pleasant and stress-free environment because they will be looking over their shoulder. Anyone could shop them to the police. They’ll have to keep the cat under wraps, permanently inside and out of sight I’d expect.

If I am correct this will not be the ideal environment for a cat.

6 thoughts on “Double Trouble: Expensive Cat Stolen from Pet Shop”

  1. Petitions circulate all the time. You can google for some and sign/
    There are loads of them from the UK too.

  2. Exactly! No way should pet shops be allowed to sell pets! Not when so many are in shelters being killed! The world has gone mad and I get so angry by it all I wish I could do something 🙁

  3. The cat will likely be recovered.
    This couple qualify as “the stupidest criminals ever”.
    Full faced views on camera.

    Why a pet store would have any such expensive animals on display is another question. I can see some pups that look purebred too.
    Stupid, stupid, stupid…

  4. It doesn’t bear thinking about what sort of life that poor cat will be having.
    You are so right Michael, Pet Shops should only be allowed to sell supplies for pets and never ever live animals!

  5. Well, you got to consider the reasoning behind the sick thief… I am sure its not just to add another member to their family. There are multiple variables here at work. All depending on why the cat was stolen in the first place, all leads to poor choices, and i am sure the cat will fare poorly under any situation. The thief was not done out of concern and or love for the cat, so what is going to happen? It could be given away to another set of grubby hands… Used to breed .. oh a host of different reasoning. I don’t think living under the same roof with thieves would be an ideal environment for anything or anyone. A life based on deceit and dishonesty is not one worth living. Poor kitty!

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