Dr. Lisa Pierson’s Catinfo.org – Making Cat Food

by Chris
(Ontario, Canada)

I came across Dr. Pierson’s site, Catinfo.org – Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition. I wasn’t sure if I should stop feeding kibble to our cats. I decided to get rid of the dry food and only feed them canned. They had been getting both. The cats have had no more problems with crystals in their urine since then.

I noticed our oldest male cat seemed to grow stronger and was able to climb better. He doesn’t seem as cold and no longer spends all his time in front of the heat vent. I have started adding a small amount of cooked chicken to their food. I trust Dr. Pierson’s advice and will follow her recipe if I’m able to source out the ingredients and make my own cat food.

I like Dr. Pierson’s advice under “Making Cat Food”: from catinfo.org

“Before you dive into making cat food..I want to mention that there are few things more frustrating than slaving away in the kitchen carefully preparing a wonderful meal for your carnivore…

….only to have them end up sniffing it and then walking away.

I don’t like to see people get discouraged so I strongly suggest that you just take it slowly.

When I decided to start making cat food, I did not go out and buy a grinder and all of the supplements right away. I just simply bought a chicken thigh and a breast (some cats may like dark meat more than white or vice versa) and cut them up into small pieces (the size of an eraser head or a bit larger) to see if my cats would eat raw meat…”

She discusses things you need to consider before making your own food and how to modify the recipe for your cat, so I’m not going to post the recipe here. I’m not a vet or feline nutritionist, so I would be leery of changing her recipe or creating my own.

Her site has recently been updated. It’s very popular – if you do an Internet search for catinfo.org you’ll see how many places it’s mentioned. She has many links to other helpful sites. Dr. Pierson also shows how to get cats to lose weight safely, how you can create litter boxes cats will want to use, how to safely pill a cat, how to build drop traps for TNR, info on some feline diseases & more.

I also like Feline Nutrition Education Society, fnes.org, a newer site which has good info on raw feeding as well as issues and attitudes about it.


Dr. Lisa Pierson’s Catinfo.org – Making Cat Food to Best Cat Food

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