Dr. Walter Palmer who killed Cecil the Lion still gets many one-star ratings

Walter Palmer and Cecil the Lion
Walter Palmer and Cecil the Lion. Image: PoC based on photos in the public domain.

You may recall that Dr. Walter Palmer is the notorious Minnesota dentist who shot and killed Cecil the Lion. Well, actually he shot the lion with his bow and arrow, but it did not kill Cecil who was finished off by an agent later, I believe. The news was all over the Internet because it was an example of an American big game hunter, a trophy hunter, killing a renowned male lion in Zimbabwe. This was a famous lion known to locals and trophy hunters. And Dr. Palmer wanted the celebrity that he thought he would gain from killing the animal.

Walter Palmer returns to work
Walter Palmer returns to work. Image in public domain.

He achieved great celebrity of the wrong kind: notoriety as evidenced by the fact that seven years after the killing on review websites such as Yelp, Dr. Palmer is receiving many one-star ratings for his dental practice.

RELATED: Dr Palmer’s First Day Back at Work and There’s Pandemonium!

Walter Palmer ratings on the Rate MDs website
Walter Palmer ratings on the Rate MDs website. Note the recent date (bottom right).
Yelp rating of Walter Palmer the dentist who killed Cecil the Lion
Yelp rating of Walter Palmer the dentist who killed Cecil the Lion

And the one-star ratings are coming thick and fast 7 years later! ✔️👍😎 At one time, Yelp had to remove thousands of abusive reviews targeting the dentist. His dental practice is in Bloomington, Minnesota. At one time protesters picketed his River Bluff Dental clinic.

Such was his notoriety that the memory of this abusive and wanton killing has not faded. The people are still angry at Dr. Palmer.

The one-star reviews can be seen on Yelp, RateMDs and Vitals.com to this day. The criticism is alive and well for which I am delighted.

These one-star reviews are written in a way which indicates that the reviewer or commenter has visited his dental clinic. I don’t know whether that’s true or not.

I don’t know if Yelp and other review websites insist that the review is verified, and that the person has actually visited the practice. It appears not. It appears that the reviews are a vehicle to criticise Dr. Palmer and damage his business. But I could be wrong.

This, for me, is entirely understandable. People want to get back at Dr. Palmer. They want to harm him through his business because he is a rich man who can afford to spend $50,000 on a hunting permit in Zimbabwe to kill a famous lion.

Apparently, the Daily Mirror reported in 2020 that Dr. Palmer had $100,000 to kill and endangered ram in Mongolia.

It appears that Dr. Palmer obtains cheap thrills from killing the rarest and the most endangered animals on the planet which makes them more valuable. So the rarer the animal is and the more endangered the animal, the more these agents charge rich Americans to kill them. It is quite bizarre and ridiculous when you consider that the world should be concerned about conservation of wild species and not killing them for pleasure.

Below are some pages on sport hunting.

1 thought on “Dr. Walter Palmer who killed Cecil the Lion still gets many one-star ratings”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. No comment on this killer. The ram in Mongolia is a protected species and only the government issues the permit to kill one. FYI Donald Trump Jr killed one and he had no permit, one was issued after he killed the ram.

    But Mike check out these great 60 quotes on kitties. Enjoy.

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