Dragon Cat is Untrainable!

Below is another of the many Reddit.com posts on cats by users who are natural comics.

Dragon cat and amusing commentary
Dragon cat and amusing commentary from Reddit.com user.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

The one below is also good. It hints at what people see as the irrational or strange behavior of domestic cats. Cats like to bite stuff when they are young. It is practice for the real thing.

Cat bites chair
Reddit.com user’s amusing observation.

The one below if slightly politically incorrect but I have lost track as to what is and what is not politically correct. It is amusing though if you put aside the political incorrectness. There are a gazillion domestic cats who look like Hitler. I wonder what Hitler would have made of it?

Cat looks like Hitler
Cat looks like Hitler which provokes an amusing comment.

There is a big body of Reddit.com users who like their cat talks. And they are heavily impregnated with jokes. Cats still lend themselves to comedy. This is because their behavior mystifies a lot of people. It is not mystifying if you understand cats.


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