Dramatic pictures of cats being rescued by navy from sinking Thai ship

The 4 cats rescued by the Thai navy
The 4 cats rescued by the Thai navy. Photo: Facebook page of ธนาคารจิตอาสา JitArsa Bank

A commercial vessel off the coast of the south of Thailand near Ko Adang Island (aka Koh Adang Island) was in trouble when its engine compartment caught fire. The stern section of the vessel was ablaze and the ship was sinking.

Aboard were eight seamen and 2 ginger cats and 2 tortoieshell cats (related?). The Royal Thai Navy’s Air and Coastal Defence Command Operation Unit 491 came to the rescue. They saved the eight sailors.

Navy sailor rescues ginger domestic cat from sinking small ship off Thai coast
Navy sailor rescues ginger domestic cat from sinking small ship off Thai coast. Photo credit: see photo.

Here is the FB post (sometimes these stop working please note):


พลทหาร ทัศน์พล สาอิ ตำแหน่ง พลปืนเล็ก หมู่ป้องกัน…

Posted by Dara Sak on Tuesday, March 2, 2021

It seems that the sailors knowingly left behind four cats on this smallish vessel. They were spotted by one of the navy’s sailors and they mounted a rescue to get them off the sinking ship.

The four cats had moved to the bow section of the boat as it sank stern first. The pictures are of Thatsaphon Saii, 23, swimming in the sea to the vessel wearing a life vest.

Dramatic pictures of navy sailor rescuing 4 cats from boat off Thai coast
Dramatic pictures of navy sailor rescuing 4 cats from boat off Thai coast. Photo: as above.

They realised that they had to save the cats as it was certain, of course, that they’d die otherwise.

Thataphon said:

When we arrived it was to secure the wreckage and check for oil spills. But we noticed the cats onboard. I immediately took off my shirt and put on a life jacket so I could jump into the sea. The flames were at the back of the boat but it was starting to sink, so I knew I had to be quick.

Sergeant Chen Saiyan of the Royal Thai navy
Sergeant Chen Saiyan of the Royal Thai navy. We are getting different reports of the the man who swam out to the boat. Photo: Facebook.

They rescued all four cats and they are now looking after them at their barracks on the island of Koh Lipe. The vessel sank and it will be recovered as the oil may leak out and damage marine wildlife. The navy is working with the relevant agencies to salvage the wreck.

The cats rescued by the Royal Thai navy
The cats rescued by the Royal Thai navy. Photo: Facebook

The cat rescue is notable for the great photos and the fact that the navy saved them. How many times do we read about that? I don’t think I ever have until now.

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