I think you’ll like this. Thomas Vles wanted to promote his business. He decided on a novel, in fact unique, way of doing it.
I suppose there is one downside to this if we are setting the very highest standards of cat welfare. The journey of 300 miles peddling a heavy bike (converted from a Dutch cargo trike, or ‘bakfiets’) must have taken days. Were the cats in the ‘cage’ all the time? I don’t believe so. It is, though, a large cat enclosure for a bike! He must be a fit and strong man to peddle all the way to London.
The cats are Mushi and Cheesy. They look relaxed and content.
Hi Betty Lou 😉 . Thanks for commenting. I don’t think either the Dutchman or myself exploit the cat. I always fight for cat welfare be it wild or domestic cat. How can that be exploitation especially when all the money this site makes is spent on running the site. There is no profit. How can this be exploitation? I think you have it very wrong Betty but never mind we can’t be right all the time can we.
Just like Michael only likes cats because he can exploit them for financial gain. 🙂
I’m surprised he wasn’t pulled over by the police. If they’d been involved in a traffic accident that kittymobile wouldn’t have stood a chance.
I realise we don’t have the full story, but I’d like to know what happened to the cats overnight. Did they remain in that enclosure?
When I started thinking about the litter tray arrangements, the penny dropped. The guy is promoting disposable cardboard litter boxes.