

The calico is Rosie and the peach one is Lester Flatt Jr.

The calico is Rosie and the peach one is Lester Flatt Jr.

I think my two kittens are dwarfs because the are eight months old and look like a 2 month old kitten. I can hold them each in one hand yet they weigh about 3 lbs and are not malnourished. They have not grown and I am worried about them how do you tell if they have this dwarfism?

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Mar 05, 2012
Dwarf cats NEW
by: SaNdra

I have 2 dwarf cats. They are 4 years old one weighing 4.5lbs and the other 5lbs. They are definely "special" they have short twisted little front legs and longer back legs. They are generally healthy. It one does suffer from seizures

Jul 30, 2009
Some cats are just small.
by: Anonymous

My cats, twins, were once able to be held with one hand, but after after a few years became heavier now they both weigh about 8-10 pounds. One is a runt but she still has caught up to about 8 pounds on her. They are just mixed cats though so I don't if a pure breeding would make a difference.

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