From a medical standpoint this is a story about domestic cat head shaking. It is instructional. It is also a story about the brilliant work carried out by this famous animal rescue centre.

A lot of people ask, ‘Why is my cat shaking her head?’ It is a common health problem. This is a classic case and there is one thing for certain: you must not ignore it. It is important that you take your cat to your veterinarian as soon as possible. Cat head shaking can be an indicator that your cat is in considerable discomfort.
Missy was brought to Battersea at the start of February because her owner’s circumstances had changed. Staff noticed that the 3-year-old was unhappy and shaking her head a lot. Tests discovered a severe infection in her ears and a lot of polyps. Polyps are lumps or mushroom stalks. They operated and removed her ear flaps and the polyps and also treated the infections.
Missy has no ear flaps now but also no discomfort. She’s a happy lady; sweet and playful. Her hearing is okay. She loves to chase a string. You can imagine how she feels now. What a relief for her.
She was lucky to have been at Battersea where top class veterinary care was at hand. She may have suffered for quite a while.
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