Eastern European animal traffickers import purebred cats into UK

persian cat imported

See video for harrowing scenes that the RSPCA investigators uncovered when they cracked an Eastern European dog trafficking racket.

In the UK, the RSPCA have discovered and prosecuted an Eastern European dog and cat trafficking racket. I believe that this is but one example of the callous importation of purebred dogs and cats from Eastern Europe where they are bred in appalling conditions, which is why, when they arrive in the UK, they are in very poor condition.

The two Eastern Europeans involved are Kiseliova and Titas. I don’t know their gender. The pair were dealing and trading in a large number of animals. The animals were not receiving appropriate veterinary care and attention. Some were suffering from typical problems under these conditions such as conjunctivitis, infections, open wounds and gastroenteritis.

The UK base for these criminals was Manchester. They primarily dealt in dogs of which there were 14 and there were also eight cats. The cat you see a photograph on this page is a Persian kitten, which quite obviously is in poor condition and has no doubt been maltreated.

These Eastern Europeans have been convicted under a variety of UK animal welfare and protection acts such as the Animal Welfare Act, Pet Animals Act and the Fraud Act (for company fraud). They are due to be sentenced.

Not only were they mistreating animals on a large-scale, they were acting fraudulently such as keeping a pet shop without a licence and keeping a dog breeding establishment without a licence.

They were acting in total disregard of British law. To be honest, it makes me angry. The opening up of the European Union to Eastern European countries has resulted in this. It didn’t happen before the European Union was expanded to include Eastern European countries who are not ready to be part of the European union. They do not have adequate animal welfare laws. There is extensive animal abuse in Eastern European countries and animal welfare laws are not properly enforced or are poorly drafted. There is also a different culture which colours their attitude towards animals.

The Eurocrats who allowed them to join the European Union have failed animals. They should have ensured that these countries were up to scratch with respect to animal welfare; to the same standard as countries such as Germany and Britain or Sweden.

The failure of the arrogant elite who run the European Union to ensure that animal welfare is properly addressed in new European Union countries is one reason why I am voting for the UK to leave the European Union.

Source: RSPCA found pedigree cats and dogs illegal farm near Manchester | Nature | News | Daily Express

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