Egyptian Mau walks into my life

I have been interested in the Egyptian Mau breed since, funny to say, but, since the movie Catwoman with Halle Berry.

I started reading up on them and found them very interesting. I've wanted one since then, but could not find them anywhere, where I live. All I could find were breeders out of state, and they are expensive.

I could never afford one. Well, one day I get to work. I work at a vet hospital. And there is an Egyptian Mau!

My coworkers said she was just sitting outside in the parking lot and walked right in. Very sweet and friendly. I fell in love immediately! Nobody knew what she was but thought she was very different and beautiful, never seen anything like her.

I knew right away and was amazed to actually see one, lost at that! We put out flyers trying to find an owner. Waited 2 weeks for someone to find her and claim her. Certainly had to be somebody's!

With my luck after 2 weeks and nobody looking for her, I took her home and is the best cat i have ever lived with! She is spoiled and having a great life! I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have such an exquisite cat just show up and find me!

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Egyptian Mau walks into my life

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Oct 29, 2011
Not the only one
by: Ruth (Monty's Mom)

I am glad to hear I am not the only one who has found that sometimes the universe will hand you exactly your heart's desire when you least expect it. Monty, though not a purebred cat, is an example. But then I wasn't looking for a certain breed, I just wanted to have a cat in my life again. I knew he would be mine before I'd ever seen him. My sister said that the neighbors were saying we had cats under our porch. Even as I dismissed the idea out loud, a part of me felt really bad for a specific cat. I was feeling, "But he belongs in here, not under the porch." I told myself that I was thinking in general terms--stray cats deserve homes-- but I wasn't. I was thinking of a specific cat and a specific home. I couldn't visualize him, but I knew even then, there was a cat out there who belonged to me.

I don't think it's a matter of karma when we get what we want, because if we got what we deserved it wouldn't be good! I believe these things, our very heart's desires, come to us from the hand of a loving God who knows our inmost wants and takes delight in our joy. I believe that Monty and I were destined to be together from before the world was formed. Your beautiful Egyptian Mau also, I believe, was created for you and you for her, and then you were brought together so you would find each other. I don't think it's a stretch to believe this. In Jeremiah God says, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." St. Paul (I think) says there are good works "prepared in advance" for us to do. Caring for well for animals is just one of those good works.

Oct 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

I'm surprised and disappointed that this gorgeous Egyptian Mau did not get but one comment on POC. C'mon, cat lovers! Would that you were so lucky as to have such a splendid and rare cat strut into your life, much less to take claim to YOU!

Oct 28, 2011
Things appear!
by: Grahame

I, too, admire the Egyptian Mau breed. This one demonstrates its 'mystical' reputation by finding and adopting just you, of all people!

Regular readers of POC will know that I hew to the
reductionist-materialist-naturalistic-scientific approach. That having been said, there have been many instances in my life where I have been honing after something and it soon appears. You might ask how I can demonstrate that a cat who appears and seems to fulfill my wishes could not be any of a number of possible cats. OK, but how about THIS: I am a serious bibliophile/collector and it has happened too many times for merest coincidence that just the rare book or edition I have been seeking suddenly appears. All the proper points are there, condition is right, etc. Other bibliophiles can report similar things, and it is one of the delightful aspects of rare book collecting.

I cannot explain these things, but I can attest to their happening, time and again, but not so often that the novelty is gone.

4 thoughts on “Egyptian Mau walks into my life”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. He sounds like a tremendous cat. Loved your comment. And you have a lovely relationship. Fantastic. Thanks for sharing, m.k.

  3. I too had a absolutely lovely and incredibly friendly neutered male cat walk up to me in our driveway–I fed him and took care of him for about 2 years…neighbors sort of claimed him but clearly, he belonged to no one. He developed an abscess by a molar tooth and looked miserable–face swollen–so I took him to the vet. She remarked about his size–14 lbs, and beautiful coat and light green electric eyes…as she examined him, we talked about his sketchy history. She scanned him for a ID chip and sure enough, he turned out to be a shelter rescue from Big Island, Hawaii…As she looked him over, she said repeatedly “this boy looks like a Mau/tabby mix” She pulled up everything she could about Maus, and he hit everything on the mark, except for large size, and four white paws–front pads black and white, back pads black, skin flap from mid-abdomen-to groin, chest collar, and those eyes! And what a personality! What a talker! She gave him some antibiotic and he was fine 3 days later…I still take care of this marvelous boy who insists on being held/carried up high on my neck-shoulders and is quite the lovey-dovey guy. I would call him a spiritual cat, he has a way of showing up when I am feeling down, and fiercely protects “his” back lanai off my bedroom. He is a ferocious birder and mouser, and climbs trees and telephone poles as if “catapulted” off a trampoline…he’s been seen up on every roof in our neighborhood. I also feel blessed to have this happy, friendly boy in my life, as others here have said…also, he is absolutely fastidious about his shiny bronze broken-mackerel with black pattern spots coat. Never a hair out of place.

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