Eight Cats Shot In The Head
by Elisa Black-Taylor
Here we go again, dear readers. Another of the stories I hate having to write but which I hope will bring the person who shot eight cats to justice. Again I feel the need to warn all cat lovers there are people in this world who get their kicks from torturing and killing pets.
This crime occurred in Salisbury, NC on February 10, 2011 in the Leonard Road area. Anyone with information should contact Animal Control at 704-216-7768. Eight cats and one possum were reported dead on the side of the road by a lady who lives in the area.
Upon investigation, animal control officers found a flattened box and eight cats and one possum. Seven of the cats had been shot between the eyes. Clai Martin, Rowan County Animal Control Supervior, told WBTV the cats were probably trapped and then shot.
Leonard Road is less than five miles long and the police and animal control have questioned residents with no success at finding the piece of human garbage who shot and killed these eight cats. The possum didn’t deserve this either. This is a nice residential animal loving neighborhood where this kind of crime is beyond comprehension.
Residents are worried and hope someone will turn this person in. I can about guarantee someone out there is bragging to his buddies about this.
I know a lot of you have outdoor cats, but it’s stories like this that convinced me long ago that the only way a cat can be protected from cat hating monsters is to keep your cat indoors or outside in a safe cat enclosure.
My question for today is have any of the readers made their cats indoor only dwellers due to the violence being committed against cats?