Elderly Maryland lady too old to care for her cat writes letter to “Adopter of Suzie” 

A elderly lady who decided that she was no longer able to care for her five-year-old cat, Suzie, wanted to pass on her experiences to the new owner who was at that time unknown. It was a “To Whom It May Concern” sort of letter detailing Suzie’s character and life story in brief.

Elderly Maryland lady too old to care for her cat writes letter to

Elderly Maryland lady too old to care for her cat writes letter to

As it happens her son took charge of Suzie and handed her over to the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center where she is currently looking for a new home.

Elderly Maryland lady too old to care for her cat writes letter to

Suzie is timid. On her cage at the shelter are the words, “WILL BOLT”. But she is also described as very sweet and shy.

Elderly Maryland lady too old to care for her cat writes letter to

The lady who wrote the letter (we don’t have her name) explained that Suzie is an indoor cat by choice. At one time, early in her life, she went walkabout outside for four days. On the fourth night there was thunder. In the morning the lady called for her and she came running in. She has not left since.

The lady tried to get her to go outside without success. On reason is her timidity and the thunderstorm but another is that Suzie was close to her caretaker who was unable to leave her front porch due being unsteady on her feet.

It seems that Suzie wouldn’t go outside properly unless it was with the elderly lady but she was unable to walk far. Both lived in and around (the porch) the house.

I think it is a nice idea to write this sort of letter to a new caretaker/guardian. It demonstrates a caring nature and it will help the adopter to understand her new cat companion better. That can only be a good thing.

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