Elisa: Two Solutions To Stop Declawing

Elisa: Two Solutions To Stop Declawing

by Elisa Black-Taylor

An integral and important part of the cat - photo Alexey Busygin (Flickr)

An integral and important part of the cat - photo Alexey Busygin (Flickr)

Due to the response of my previous articles and the desire for me to address the declawing issue, here I am. Going off track for my readers as requested. So my next planned article will have to wait. There is no "homework" for this article. This is all my personal opinion. I don't believe I've ever done this.

I have two solutions to stop declawing. Neither involves the government.

None of this is based on fact or research. Just an intense belief that it will work.

The reason I haven't already addressed the declawing issue is wrapped up in the way I determine a story. Once the idea comes to mind, I go to the pictures-of-cats website. Here I key in the subject I want to discuss to be sure it is fresh and not something written about by others. Declawing has been addressed very well by Michael, Ruth, Maggie and the other regular contributors. They know more on it than I could ever learn.

The problem is, the practice is still being done while the laws to make this illegal are tied up in government red tape.

Let's just say I know how to cut the red tape but I don't have the scissors. I do feel sure one of my readers does. I think we're all going about this the "slow" way in trying to convince the government on a ban when we can do this ourselves faster.

Another reason to aim the education at children is because some adults simply will never accept declawing is wrong. You can preach at them and show them the facts all day long and still not change their opinion. Many many households planning to declaw a cat have children. Let's teach the children to stop the parents

Educate the children

The first solution is education at a very early age (I'm talking before age 10). Ruth has already provided us with the best way to educate the children. Ruth's story about Sebastian needs to be made into an e-book IMMEDIATELY and made available to kids. Children have the ability to educate their parents. Either thru discussing the issue rationally or pitching a temper tantrum to prevent "Fluffy" from going to the vet for the surgery.

A child's honesty is a wonderful thing. While many pet owning parents may try to sugarcoat the distress declawing causes, a child will tell the truth and say "I won't let you cripple my pet for life." Think about it.

First I'd like to list what I knew about declawing before ever reading an article. These 5 reasons alone were enough to convince me that declawing is BAD.

1. It is painful in a different way from being injured. Injured cats know they are injured. They accept this. Declawed cats are feeling great when they go into surgery and wake up in unending agony.

2. Many returned to a shelter for behavior or litter box problems that declawing causes.

3. Not safe around children as declawed cats learn to bite to replace the defense mechanism removed by declawing.

4. Must be kept indoors because the ability to climb a tree to escape or use claws as defense is gone forever.

5. Many landlords used to require this in a lease. So renters unknowingly deformed their cats for life.

The second solution is computer software

Take a look at the link below and study it.

Family Watchdog

This is a software program that allows a citizen to key in a zip code and find any sex offenders who live in their area. This is the type of software we will need to stop declawing. Petitions and education are working, but are taking much too long to pass thru. I say continue the education and put this plan into place ASAP.

Unfortunately I'm a writer-not a software genius.

First we need to set up a website using the same software as the familywatchdog. It has to be software that works worldwide using zip code or city and country listings.

Then we address this problems in two very different ways. The first is to contact each veterinarian in our own area and find out their views on the issue. For those who are against declawing, ask that they please educate their customers. I use the word "customers" because a vet runs a business and that's what all of this boils down to in the long run. MONEY. I believe that a lot of the time it isn't the individual vet who declaws. It's a clinic that offers it in a "package" deal along with spay/neuter. I know the one in my area doesn't, thank goodness.

I can just imagine how its done."For ONLY $X amount, we will also declaw your cat at the time of surgery." Never mind an explanation about the permanent crippling of a healthy cat.

Now for my opinion on stopping them where it hurts. In the WALLET. This is where the international website ties in. Website viewers would need to be able to get into the site and list veterinarians who declaw in their particular area. We can blacklist or "ban" them. Simply make a few phone calls and ask "Are you for or against declawing and do you do this in your practice." Any vet who declaws will have his/her name placed on the list in the international databank. They will be told their name is there and will be removed when the practice is banned at their clinic. I believe vets against declawing will begin advertising themselves as "we ban declawing." That will make finding a vet much easier.

Or we could recommend vets who don't declaw. Have the worldwide data bank only list vets who are against it. Inform everyone in your email address book to check the list before finding a vet. If the one's against this mutilation get all of the business and the ones performing it get no business...well, that's a no-brainer.

I honestly feel this will work. Just because a pet owner is too stupid to realize this practice is wrong won't leave them with a cat scarred for life. Because the vet will know and tell the owner "this is wrong and we no longer do it."

In the United States, www.yellowpages.com has a "rate this business" section. There are also numerous other sites such as the yellow pages site popping up on the internet. The technology is there. If someone can just create the site, we can all contribute and get the word out. Networking is a fantastic thing. It's how I inform my readers I have a new story waiting. Thousands can be reached with just a click of the mouse. I know that my method of networking gets the word out to about 9000 people within 5 minutes of publication.

Each reader can call a few of the veterinarians in their area and report them on the data base if they still declaw. Don't worry about making them mad. We're already mad enough for them performing the surgery. Don't be afraid to tell them their office won't be used for ANY reason until they take declawing off of their services offered. Spread the word to all of your email friends about any vet who offers declawing. Ask them to check with their local vets and contribute to the worldwide data bank list.

We could even make the data base link available on all outgoing email. People who run a home business do this all the time.

Then sit back and watch the veterinarians customer list shrink to nothing. Maybe the vets will know we're serious about this issue when it affects their paycheck.

If anyone out there knows how to get this started, I can help with writing the intro and adding related photos and stories. I really hate to say it but just talking and educating people hasn't accomplished enough.

I'm sorry I haven't addressed this before. I tend to stay with abuse laws and programs that raise money for shelters. And Michael is so much more informed on the subject than I'll ever be.

I may be daydreaming on my ideas expressed here, but I'm known as a daydreamer anyway so I don't consider it an insult.

I would like some feedback on this. Both as Ruth's story on Sebastian being turned into an e-book and a worldwide data base.


P.S. Let us know when you get Ruth's e-book ready for distribution and we can all send it as an attachment in all of our outgoing emails. That should reach a few million people to start things off.

From Elisa: Two Solutions To Stop Declawing to Declawing Cats

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Elisa: Two Solutions To Stop Declawing

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Aug 23, 2010
Pass this around
by: Elisa Black-Taylor


This is a site listing vets who don't declaw.

Aug 23, 2010
Delawing Veterinarians Should Be Blacklisted
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

This is the title of the new group on Facebook. I've just got it up and running. I'm also going under DeclawingCrippledMyPaws and gathering friends from that group. I hope to max out my personal Facebook page within 2 weeks. That would be 5000 people if I'm correct.

The website given on the Declawing is pictures-of-cats.org. Please help me get the word out.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Jane A

I have a lot of respect for Michael and the other writers constant in their striving to stop declawing.
I would have respect for you too Elisa if you lived up to your promise.
To quote you

Don't worry about volunteers
I can take care of that once the website exists. I have enough networking ideas and support to do this. And most of them are WOMEN! YAY LADIES!!!

There is a limit to what we can do from the UK.
Please Elisa don't let us down and more importantly don't let the cats down.

Aug 23, 2010
Any progress?
by: Fran

Any further news on your two solutions Elisa?

Aug 22, 2010
Are you a volunteer Dee?
by: Fran

Dee you sound American by your slang and I don't know what you mean?
Are you for or against declawing?
Are you volunteering to help Elisa with her plan to phone all the veterinarians?
I'm interested to know?

Aug 21, 2010
by: Dee

Oh hell yeah! Flippin freakin' Amen!!!!!

Aug 21, 2010
I hope not Fran
by: CJ

As I said big build up then nothing.
I can't get my head around Americans fighting all other animal abuse but allowing this to go on.
It should be of paramount importance.

Aug 21, 2010
Telephoning volunteers
by: Fran

So where are the USA volunteers to phone the clinics?
This is something too difficult and costly for us to organise and do from Australia or the UK.

Please don't tell us this idea is coming to nothing.

Aug 20, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I don't mind losing sleep from writing and being online too much. Writing is a comfort and makes up for any loss of sleep. And I don't understand why cats are treated so badly in U.S. I don't know anyone who would declaw their cat. But I live in the country where everyone owns their own little home. Maybe things are different in the city where people have to pay rent.

I just try to do my part and write. I feel we are each trying to help the cats in our own way here.

Aug 20, 2010
Blind spot
by: Anonymous

What is this blind spot with Americans?

Why aren't you fighting tooth and nail to get declawing stopped when it is as much abuse as any other abuse of cats?

Why are cats second class citizens to dogs over there?

Aug 20, 2010
Phoning clinics etc
by: Fran

Yes we already have our experts but they are not in a position to do the on the spot stuff you thought up.
Such as phoning around all the clinics to make a data base of declawing or non declawing vets.
That seems to have come to nothing which is a big dissappointment after you said you would have plenty of volunteers to do that.
We all have busy lives and anyone who chooses to lose sleep to write does so out of that choice.
We all do a lot for animal welfare but we don't shout about it from the rooftops.

Aug 19, 2010
Susan is the best
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

You're all right. Susan's Declawing CrippledmyPaws has the most information I've seen.

I never said I could end declawing. It's not the area I know the most about and everyone was begging for a story on my views. Michael, Ruth, and Susan from CrippledmyPaws are what I consider experts.

It takes from 4-6 hours for me to write each story. As Michael will tell you I rarely sleep. I'm on the computer around 18-20 hours a day doing research and writing. My online friends have to beg me to get off.

Lately I've been focusing on different shelters, rescue groups and sanctuaries who do good and raise money to help their organizations. I try to keep up with the different laws. I've kept up with Ohio for a few months now.

This website is for people to contribute and share information. If anyone has any ideas on ending declawing they need to share them here. Maggie wrote a very good story the other day.

I'm only one person. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone.

Aug 19, 2010
To USA troops
by: Ruth

I'm passing this on from the Paw Project and the other anti declaws over there,they are asking for your help.
The bill, AB 2743, is moving forward and is very, very close to winning. We were only two votes away and it's going back for reconsideration. We really need these votes for it to actually pass.
Please support AB 2743

AB 2743 would prohibit landlords from requiring potential tenants declaw their cats and/or debark their dogs as a condition of occupancy. Many potential tenants are required to perform these debilitating surgeries on their animals before they can move in. Yes, unbelievably, this is a problem.This law would prohibit it.

Please call or fax these 7 California state senators. It is probably too late to send letters. Please be polite and ask each office for their support. Thank you!
The vote is in the morning on Tuesday, August 24, 2010. If it passes, it goes to the Governor's desk.

Senator Ron Calderon
State Capitol, Room 5066
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4030
Fax: (916) 327-8755

Senator Lou Correa
State Capitol, Room 5052
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4034
Fax: (916) 323-2323

Senator Gloria Negrete MacLeod
State Capitol, Room 2059
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4032
Fax: (916) 445-0128

Senator Mimi Walters
State Capitol, Room 3082
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4033
Fax: (916) 445-9754

Senator Lois Wolk
State Capitol, Room 4032
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4005
Fax: (916) 323-2304

Senator Roderick Wright
State Capitol, Room 5064
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4025
Fax: (916) 445-3712

Senator Mark Wyland
State Capitol, Room 4048
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4038
Fax: (916) 446-7382

Aug 19, 2010
I have to agree
by: Sue

Elisa you said talking and educating people hasn't accomplished enough and you are right.
But what else can we do from other countries?
My heart was glad when you said all that you would do and that you'd have plenty American volunteers to help you.
I'm sure what we long for is not just talk but ACTION by more Americans at long last.

Aug 19, 2010
Thanks Fran
by: CJ

I'm disappointed too.I don't go on facebook as stuff only gets swallowed up.
Big build up,but nothing new happening.

Aug 19, 2010
by: Fran

I thought it was to be a website dedicated to stopping declawing.
There are already countless petitions on Care2 and other places which usually get abandoned.
As far as I know the one Ruth started is the biggest and the only one with so many signatures worldwide.
The UK troops spend hours trying to get more signatures.
Groups on facebook get a bit of interest then it dies out and there is already Susan's
Declawing CrippledmyPaws
which is the best ever for information and education.
She has worked ceaselessly and quietly for around 8 years online and in the place she lives.
She is an unsung heroine.
We need more people like her,people to take action,not to make empty promises.
So many people come along and we think things will change,only to be dissappointed once again.
As someone once said,no wonder declawing has gone on so long and is still going on.There doesn't appear to be many really committed to fight it in the country it's happening in.

CJ I think you can find Sebastian's Diary on the home page here although I did prefer the series with pictures and have printed that off.

Aug 18, 2010
Nothing Yet
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I have no clue on how to do a site like I
m talking about but there are several petitions at Care2.com and also several groups on Facebook. I've just started an Elisa Black-Taylor Readers Forum on Facebook so maybe everyone can join together and talk about these issues

Aug 18, 2010
Any news ?
by: CJ

I'm just catching up with this and it all looks very exciting.
So what's the latest on it?Is anything arranged yet Elisa?

It's a great relief that someone in America is determined to get something done about the continual cruelty by declawing vets.

Where can I find Sebastian's Diary as an ebook?

Aug 13, 2010
Way to go!
by: Leah

I did call an American vet last night because I was so incensed about them offering coupons to de-claw kittens but when my old darling hubby sees the bill he'll be furious! Never mind ha ha. Its true though its not something we can do as a general rule because we all donate to the cats etc and/or foster but its so reassuring to know you have such a huge network we can depend on. As I said way to go! Just let us know what we can do!

Aug 13, 2010
by: Ruth

That's great Elisa.We will just carry on with as much as we can educating from this end and leave your project up to you.
I do hope you get lots of USA people to help, that's what was missing there,a committed leader to motivate everyone.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 12, 2010
Don't worry about volunteers
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I can take care of that once the website exists. I have enough networking ideas and support to do this. And most of them are WOMEN! YAY LADIES!!! And it won't involve the government at all because the won't do enough anyway.

I do think the big cities push for declawing more than those in the country. Rent is higher and I wouldn't doubt if a lot of landlords still push this.

Aug 12, 2010
To Mel
by: Ruth

Sadly nearly all our USA troops have fallen by the wayside and the Yahoo action group faded away. Our UK troops were just 'talking' to each other on there so we decided to send alerts by email instead.
Which as you know we still do now.
We could do with a good strong committed gang of USA troops like our UK gang and our one stalwart in Australia

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 12, 2010
by: Mel

At last someone over there with good ideas and plans and very unlikely to abandon the fight to stop declawing.I hope more Americans will follow your example and offer help for your plans.
Have we any US troops left at all now Ruth?

Aug 12, 2010
To Elisa
by: Rose

Hi Elisa,I enjoy your articles and the rest of the cat stuff on PoC.
But my main concern on-line is declawing since Ruth and Babz roped me in,so I'm thrilled to read you are going to take some action.It's exactly what is needed,someone admired to lead over there.
We do all we can from here but it's not like being there in the middle of it.
I'm looking forward to seeing all this happen and on standby if I can do anything.

Aug 12, 2010
That takes the biscuit
by: Fran

Well Ruth whoever called your work too British should have got off their behind and written something themselves.
I don't think some Americans like it that we in other countries have so much going on about declawing.
We wouldn't have to if they did it themselves.
How much longer are they going to let cats suffer without trying to stop it.

Come on Americans,Elisa is showing the way to go,there must be more of you who can help her with this.

Aug 12, 2010
Great ideas
by: Ruth

Hi again Elisa, I've had time to have a good read of your ideas and they are brilliant.
THANK YOU so much.
Phoning all the vets is going to need some USA volunteers and I don't quite know how we will go about that as most of our 'troops' are English or Australian.
I'm afraid we are all on a tight budget with any spare money going to help animals, it would cost us too much to phone abroad.
I wonder how we can find some more USA people to help ?
I'll be honoured if Sebastian's Diary can help educate children and Michael has kindly already turned it into an ebook. Sadly it can't contain all the pictures as it would be too big.
I was told by an American it sounds British... well I can't help that can I lol as I am British. Not much I can do about that unless anyone in the USA wants to turn it into American.
Someone else said the ebook is better than the series as that was 'bitty'
I can't win lol
But the reason I wrote Sebastian's Diary was to save claws and if it does that well it doesn't matter what anyone thinks or says.
I agree,we haven't accomplished enough yet,we have saved around 130 cats claws as far as I can fathom out. But as Annie Bruce said to me, those 130 people will have educated 130 more and they wil have educated 130 more and so on, so in reality those 130 cats saved could run into thousands.
But it's still NOT enough, we have to save every cat from this pre-meditated abuse.
The petition I started has been called futile a few times too but hey it did help get the Californian bans as it was held up at the meetings.AND the comments on it show the strength of feeling about declawing, from all over the world so although it's not going to get a ban on its own, I think it's worth pressing on with it as it will surely be handy one day.
Let us know what we can do from here Elisa please.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 11, 2010
by: Leah

Elisa thanks so much what brilliant ideas its so good having you right there in the midst so to speak with your unique and gifted way of educating.

Aug 11, 2010
Thanks Elisa
by: Ruth

Just a quickie for now as we have an electrician due any moment to do a job and will be off the air for a while.
I just want to say what wonderful ideas and I'm so glad someone in the USA is taking this so seriously.There is only so much we can do from another country and you being there on the spot is going to make a HUGE difference to our quest.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 11, 2010
by: Michael

Thanks a lot, Elisa, for joining the debate on declawing and working out solutions - fantastic. It is much appreciated.

I like both your suggestions. And I agree that we can't wait for legislation. We can upset veterinarians through this website or any other well constructed high hitting website. A classic case is Dr Forsythe's clinic.

If you search for "Dr Forsythe vet" you get a PoC article on her declawing activities (coming top in Google on my searches). Neat.

There is power in the internet. I'll think about the website proposal and how to make that work and build an e-book on Sebastian's Diary.

Thanks again Elisa.

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