Cat owner can’t contain her emotions as her relief at being reunited with her cat overwhelms her. This is a U.C. Davis School of Veterinary Medicine success story from the horrendous Camp Fire disaster in California. Elisa wrote about their efforts to rescue and reunite burned and lost cats (opens a new tab/window).
Note: the cat was not burned very badly – his legs and paws – so, thankfully, it is not graphic or very hard to watch. His legs are bandaged.
These lost cats parted company with their owners at the crucial time when the fire raged and the owners had to escape. Perhaps the cats ran away (as domestic cats tend to do) when the sound and sights of the fire scared them.
This is one of the success stories. The video shows the emotional reunion of Laci Ping with her cat Mayson who has burned and bandaged legs and paws. Her husband, Curtis Mullins, is with her.
CBS Sacramento report that Mayson slipped out of the carrier and scrammed when he heard an explosion. He’d only been adopted two weeks before.
Ping found Mayson on the UC Davis Facebook webpage where there is a large panel of photos of the cats waiting to be reunited having be cared for by the School of Veterinary Medicine. The page has been viewed 65,000 times at the time of this post.
The reunion done, Mayson will remain in treatment at the hospital to ensure that his burns heal. We don’t know if the owners’ home was destroyed. They may have problems in that regard and have to find temporary housing. This may complicate looking after Mayson.
I wish them the very best of luck for the future.