Emu and Storm Clouds Oklahoma

Emu and Storm Clouds Oklahoma

by Michael
(London, UK)

Here is another picture from the morning of the distant storm in Oklahoma. I had forgotten about it until now. But now I am home I think it is worth publishing on the internet.

It was taken at dawn on the farm at A1 Savannahs. These charming emu pretty much followed me around the meadow as did all the other animals!

When they formed a nice composition and when the clouds looked good…click:

Emu and Storm Clouds Oklahoma
Emu and Storm Clouds Oklahoma
Photo copyright Michael @ PoC

It is quite dark because that is the way it was. To the left by the fence is the buffalo grazing. By the hay are the goats.

The reason why this page is on a cat site is because it was taken on the farm of probably the world’s most successful and best cat breeder – A1 Savannahs.

Hope you like the photo.

Associated Page:

A God Given Day in Oklahoma

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Emu and Storm Clouds Oklahoma to PoC Forum

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Emu and Storm Clouds Oklahoma

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May 30, 2010 Pleasure
by: Michael

Hi Ruth, it was my pleasure to make and publish these photographs.

Michael Avatar

May 29, 2010 Thank you
by: Ruth

Thank you Michael for sharing so many wonderful photos with us.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 29, 2010 Bison and Goats
by: Michael

Hi Maggie. Yes, you are right. They are best friends. The bison is always with the goats. They follow each other. If and when the goats trot off to a different part of the pasture the bison trots after them and sometimes the bison leads.

It is all very harmonious and like another world as all the animals are close. The horses also join with the other animals plus the pigs and the emus etc..

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May 29, 2010 Still we envy you
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Deborah-Ann. Thank you for reminding us that life in the country is not always as heavenly as in Michael’s beautiful pictures. Tornados, storms – and I bet winter can be pretty rough too. But still we envy you living in the great open. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

May 29, 2010 Motzie and Peanut are getting too familar. . .
by: Deborah-Ann Milette

Since moving out here in Oklahoma, yes we are constantly on the look out for thunder heads for tornados. Life here is fun but danger is a conctant on my minf and Motzie is unusually on alert as well. Peanut. . he is on a different planet and lets Motzie & I do the watching.

May 29, 2010 Emu and storm clouds
by: Maggie Sharp

What a beautiful photo, Michael!! It’s fantastic, well done! I love the Emus, a native animal of my own country!

I’ve noticed that the Bison doesn’t tend to stray too far from the goats/sheep in any of the photos.

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