Enemies of Picture of Cats dot Org?!

Enemies of Picture of Cats dot Org?!

by Michael

Do we have enemies? Are their people out there who want to hurt this website? I don’t know but feel that there might be some people who do because we fight for animal rights at all levels. There are people who hate people like us. It is true. They call us “AR activists”. But in reality we are just ordinary people who don’t like seeing animals abused. Is that so bad? There are people who like to use animals for gain and in doing so, they abuse them. These people are our enemies.

The reason why I ask if there are enemies of PoC is because the survey I recently set up on cat ownership was “reported” as some sort of scam webpage (phishing) to try and obtain information from people and to use that information for financial gain. In fact it was a totally benign and innocent form designed to see if we can gather together some information about cat caretaking. I could then use the information to write articles and better understand cat ownership.

Because it was “reported” as being bad and nasty with a big red banner when you tried to go to the survey, I decided to delete it, in case its association with PoC hurt the site.

Do you know anyone who would like to hurt PoC?

It may be the case that Google has robotic visitors that shoot around the internet and when they hit a webpage that meets certain criteria, the “bot” reports back to Google. That could well be case. In which case Google got it totally wrong and I am very disappointed. Google themselves use the same forms to gather information, incidentally.

Animal abuse takes many different forms. Declawing is a form of legalized and accepted animal abuse. Putting cats in cages all their lives is too, in my opinion. This is also accepted by the majority of people. This included wild and domestic cats.

It need not be specific and bizarre instances of animal abuse. It might be ongoing accepted animal abuse. I rate the mass slaughter of cats at rescue centers a form of animal abuse (2 million per year in the USA – estimated). These all take place as a consequence of human activity.

Bird conservationists will dislike this website because it rectifies a wrong promulgated by bird conservationists who dislike cats. And some Australians might dislike me for criticising them for shooting feral cats (legally please note).

Shooters – people who like to fire firearms – will dislike me and the website because I strongly criticise these people for shooting at cats.

I also criticise people who don’t take care of our wild cats. I am talking of governmental departments in Asia who fail to adequately protect wildcats including the tiger. And those people who allow poaching of the tiger for traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese government does nothing to prevent this and it is killing off the tiger in the wild. It is that serious. Chinese medicine is also making the rhino extinct in the wild as the rhino horn is valued highly for use in this horrible form of so called “medicine”.

So, I have made enemies. Do they want to hurt me and my site?



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Enemies of Picture of Cats dot Org?!

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Dec 03, 2011
by: Michael

Thanks Elisa for saying that the site is rounded. I do try and keep it rounded and balanced.

Any criticism on this site of some sort of human behavior is always justifiable on a common sense basis.

Nov 28, 2011
Let me research …
by: Janet Naylor Vandenabeele

There is a PR/legal firm that is behind certain very misleading groups out to undo the animal rights movement — groups as benign as the Humane Society of the US, etc… I ain’t even talkin PETA.

While any organization has its shortcomings and its flaws, this group makes them out to be RICO violations or downright Stalinistic cruelty that suckers in otherwise well-meaning people.

In other words: Shameless propaganda and lies. I believe this same agency was behind all the smear campaigns when groups were trying to pass the anti-farm cruelty legislation in various states. This group in particular may not be out to get you, but they may have ignited crazies out there in Internetland who have taken up the torch.

I had some research together on this group before but can’t locate it right now. Feel free to inbox me on FB and we’ll discuss how I can send the stuff to you when I get it. Forewarned is forearmed.

Nov 21, 2011
Lots hate PoC
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I would imagine the Facebook page I Hate Cats would hate us. I constantly monitor that site and delete “friends” who belong to it.

Remember the pedicure video I did of Furby. It was reported as offensive. I believe declawing vets would do anything to damage the website.

There are a lot of us who love cats and also love dogs. But turn it the other way around and you have a lot of people who love dogs but hate cats.

The PoC website has more to offer than most sites out there. Not only with cat lovers stories but with health, behavior and other interesting content. I try to do my part by contributing an even mixture. Still, I know I have enemies. If you think I give the cat abusers hell, you should see the dog stories I’ve done on cops who abuse dogs.

You can’t please everyone but I think Michael does a good job at rounding out the site. Don’t change anything. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Nov 21, 2011
Our PoC family
by: Ruth

Like all good families our PoC family stick together and support each other during bad times and against enemies.
That is what it’s all about and I’m proud to be a member of this cat loving family !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 21, 2011
by: cat lady

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if “anonymous” the poster who went on with his diatribes toward me and my Colony was someone who would go way far, out of his way to try to discredit your wonderful web-site. He has done so many mean things to quite a few people. (they know him and are willing to testify) I am hoping that in some way you can get the IP number of “Anonymous” the one with the bad spelling who has a patent and rants about the cats (petitions) and cat lady on your forum and turn it into the Cyberstalking authorities as he is guilty of this crime amongst other ones against myself and the Colony. This guy went to who ever he could to spin stories about me being this sick and twisted person who must be evicted and the cats euthanized. The pathlogical that he is, he almost had people believe his twisted, obsessive/lies and gossip/slander about me. Now they know, he is the sick, twisted evil being that loves to torment both people and animals.
So sad people like him are “free to roam” not unlike the feral cats in America! Someday soon , justice will be done, meanwhile we will wait until the day I can tell you a story of a mean 78 yr old man, that didn’t really learn too much here on earth while taking up space on the Planet.ust rought his socio culture to America and tried real hard to make it work here. Sorry Charlie, and friend!!!

Nov 21, 2011
by: cat lady

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if “anonymous” the poster who went on with his diatribes toward me and my Colony was someone who would go way far, out of his way to try to discredit your wonderful web-site. He has done so many mean things to quite a few people. (they know him and are willing to testify) I am hoping that in some way you can get the IP number of “Anonymous” the one with the bad spelling who has a patent and rants about the cats (petitions) and cat lady on your forum and turn it into the Cyberstalking authorities as he is guilty of this crime amongst other ones against myself and the Colony. This guy went to who ever he could to spin stories about me being this sick and twisted person who must be evicted and the cats euthanized. The pathlogical that he is, he almost had people believe his twisted, obsessive/lies and gossip/slander about me. Now they know, he is the sick, twisted evil being that loves to torment both people and animals.
So sad people like him are “free to roam” not unlike the feral cats in America! Someday soon , justice will be done, meanwhile we will wait until the day I can tell you a story of a mean 78 yr old man, that didn’t really learn too much here on earth while taking up space on the Planet.ust rought his socio culture to America and tried real hard to make it work here. Sorry Charlie, and friend!!!

Nov 20, 2011
by: cat lady

I am so saddened to hear these atrocitys and fortuante enough to have not to witness it. My wish is that those who do inflict their belief system and cruelty on innocent creatures have a special place in hell. With the same (karma) done to them. Got a guy here who loves tormenting the cats at rest, uses water pistols to chase them and throws things at them. My dream is he shares hell with his own kind of immortal souls and has no rest at all, constantly being prodded by pitchforks and chased all over Dante’s Inferno, starved for food and water, just the same fate he would wish for the animals I feed, the same treatment for him in the heareafter. Life has a funny way of slapping one in the face when they least expect it!!!

Nov 20, 2011
by: Maggie

All animal rights activists have enemies. I’ve been vegan for almost a year now, and I’ve had more ‘hate’ than support. But when you’re fighting against, and exposing, the biggest and cruelest industries in the world, what can you expect?

PoC fights against declawing, and declawing is a huge money maker for US vets, and it’s a convenience for US citizens. Of course they’re going to hate you for providing fact, showing the truth. Ignorance is bliss, as they say, and PoC is jepordising that. But I think it’s safe to assume that PoC has more supporters than enemies.

As a side note: I have many friends who shoot feral cats in the bush. It sounds horrible, but the quality of life that feral cats live in Australia is horrific. Death is the most humane option. I’m talking about cats with huge open wounds, collars embedded into their necks, mange, emaciated, urine burns, missing eyes etc. I’ve never caught a feral cat that didn’t need to be put down due to his condition.

Nov 20, 2011
by: Cat Lady

I am quite proud to be “family” with you! From my observations there are much more of us than there are of the “anonymous cat haters”. Such miserable excuses of human beings they are! We recognize the fact/reasoning, that we are the “Stewards” of the creatures on this planet. How can we turn our backs? As stewards we have a responsibility to protect and cherish life. We have become so advanced and yet there is something sorely lacking in a large segment of society and that is…we as the most intelligent life (assuming ?) form on the Planet have a responsibility to the Creatures that dwell amongst us, to protect and treat with the same respect that we would expect to be treated if we , ourselves , suddenly found ourselves in a cruel, inhospitable environment, (which could very well happen if one can visualize any Alien life form that could descend upon us during these troubled times , it’s not too far fetched, now, is it??) Wouldn’t we deserve the same respect and love as highly evolved people sharing this planet with it’s oddballs and wisdom seeking humans as our creatures deserve? Wouldn’t we?

Nov 20, 2011
Feel good
by: Michael

It makes me feel good to read these comments. I think we are a kind of family. In fact you are more a family to me than what is left of my real family.

We should stick together. I know we do the right thing and that is more important than anything else.

Nov 20, 2011
by: cat lady

Hi Everyone
I can surely attest,to the evil haters, being the target of a cat hater that we also have enemies along with these lovely creatures. It’s true , the evil ones see the light in the people who do good and it hurts the evil ones eyes so bad, they lash out, to kill, steal and destroy. Michael is aquainted with my story and I thank him for any safeguards he is taking to keep the mean ol’ cat hating anonymous off these pages. I have been quiet lately, not because I have nothing to say, I have plenty to share with all my cat loving friends, but I am waiting for the right time to pass before I will tell my whole story. Meanwhile , I am reading your posts and I delight in all of you who have something positive to say about these lovely creatures that inhabit our world.

Nov 20, 2011
by: Barbara

Sadly there are people out there who hate to see other people trying to do a bit of good, I think maybe it makes them feel bad for not bothering to do anything good themselves, it’s so easy to resent those who make us feel inadequate. As a lifelong campaigner for animal rights and welfare I’ve often been regarded as a bit of a freak, I make no secret of hating hunting/hunters, shooting/shooters and all forms of animal abuse, including decalwing! And I’ve had some stick about being veggie as well. But you know what, we shouldn’t let it bother us one teeny weeny little bit because we are right, we should, and do, care about animals, we should, and do, care about humans as well. I think that makes US pretty darn special. So ignore the enemy and keep on doing what you do so brilliantly Michael, Ruth and all the other POC regulars, I’m proud to be among the elite of the WWW!

Barbara avatar

Nov 20, 2011
My thoughts
by: Ruth

That is terrible Michael but I don’t think they hate you or PoC personally, only what you stand for. Maybe there’s a bit of jealousy too at your succesful web site and its many loyal visitors.
It’s very easy to make enemies on the internet, I even had a death threat about my campaigning against declawing when I started the ban declawing petition !
It was obviously someone who doesn’t want it banned because to them a cats health and welfare isn’t important, they like the convenience of being able to have them declawed so easily.
Sadly those of us who care about animals get hated and sometimes threatened in real life too. We often get called PETA freaks even though we don’t support PETA. Being a cat lover, animal welfare advocate AND a vegetarian too makes me a good target !
Some people think it’s wrong to care about animals when there are people who need caring about. What they can’t seem to realise is that we can and do care about people AND animals and the environment too.
I find it very sad that some people can’t live and let live, we are all different and we need to accept that.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 20, 2011
Michael’s enemies
by: Grahame

Anyone doing good attracts enemies, Michael. I think that these sorts of things are driven by money, vested interests, ego, and jealousy.

I would like to say that these postulated enemies of yours are the obverse side of your virtue.

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