Ensuring the cleanliness of a Maine Coon bottom

Social media users are inquiring about how to keep their Maine Coon cats clean, specifically regarding the issue of fecal matter adhering to the cat’s rear (that was said politely wasn’t it 🙀). While Maine Coons are generally ‘self-cleaning’, this particular problem seems prevalent among the breed because of that magnificent shaggy fur.

It’s not a rare concern, and there are a number of strategies that can be employed to mitigate, if not completely resolve, this issue. Further information on litter trays, boxes, and substrates may prove beneficial (see end of article).

Old man and his Maine Coon
Old man and his Maine Coon. Free to use image. Click on it for the original.
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Inherent fastidiousness

An interesting aspect of the question is that normally, domestic cats are meticulous about their cleanliness, including their bottoms. If they cannot maintain this, it may indicate an overwhelming problem requiring intervention.


The initial question to consider is whether your Maine Coon cat is defecating normally. Does she have diarrhea? If diarrhea is present and it’s adhering to the long fur around its bottom, one solution could be a dietary change.


This may necessitate some experimentation and possibly a consultation with your veterinarian for advice. Indeed, it may be crucial to do so because diarrhea can have numerous causes beyond just diet. Therefore, if diarrhea is persistent or frequent, a visit to the veterinarian seems imperative.

Testing is a good first step. Before proceeding, consider altering your cat’s diet to rule out improper nutrition as a cause. Although Maine Coon cats are not known to have sensitive stomachs like Siamese cats, to my knowledge.

Some Maine Coon owners suggest that a diet overly rich in proteins may upset their cat’s stomach. While cats need protein as obligate carnivores, you could try switching to a different brand of high-quality wet food. If there’s no improvement, then a veterinary visit is recommended.

More potential issues

The issue with long hair: It’s not common to hear complaints about keeping short-haired cats clean. The concern is primarily with long-haired breeds, not just Maine Coons; for instance, Persians encounter similar issues.

Bathing: While it’s possible to bathe your Maine Coon and clean their bottom with a wet wipe (which should not be flushed as it can clog sewers), bathing is generally discouraged unless necessary. It strips the skin of natural oils, leading to dryness. Maine Coons are adept at self-grooming, much like other domestic cats. However, their fur can be too long for them to manage on their own.

Grooming assistance: Regular grooming intervention may be required. Experienced Maine Coon caregivers often use specialized grooming tools available for purchase, such as brushes and combs, which aid in removing loose fur that would shed naturally. This is beneficial for overall coat health, not just the specific issue mentioned. Some also choose to shave their cat’s fur.

Litter type and box considerations: Altering the litter material and the size of the litter box, or adding an additional one, could be considered. The quality of the litter material might also contribute to cleanliness issues. Addressing this could enhance the likelihood of your Maine Coon maintaining cleanliness. Perhaps some experimentation with litter substrate might prove beneficial.

Box size: A sufficiently large litter box can prevent Maine Coons from stepping in their waste. This is relevant to the initial query, which also touches on the issue of feces getting stuck between a Maine Coon’s toes post-toilet use. This tendency could stem from their larger size and the fact that most litter boxes are designed for smaller domestic cats.

Links to more related issues

Here are some insights on litter trays that might be helpful: The litter box should be adequately sized, and the depth of the litter should be sufficient but not excessive. For more information, you can refer to the articles on my other pages by following these links:

Regular grooming or shaving of the backside may be necessary to maintain cleanliness, especially for Maine Coon cats, assuming they have normal bowel movements.

Your suggestions and comments are valuable, as first-hand experiences offer significant insights.

RELATED: Maine Coon hairy feet discussed

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