I am reporting on Syrian cats in Syria. The pictures and words come from Ernesto’s Sanctuary for Syrian Cats on Twitter. It is nice to see this for 2 reasons. The cats, like the humans, in Syria have gone through hard times and sometimes hellish times. Secondly, Syria is where it is believed the first wild cats were domesticated. It is the location of the Fertile Crescent. Now the war is over the beginning of getting back to normal cat take place.
“Today we are very proud of us . The first external cat came to our free vet clinic to be spayed !! Small step for everyone Big step for Syrian Animals!! She is back to her home and she is fine
Ernesto’s Sanctuary for Syrian Cats@theAleppoCatman#SyrianCats
First cat brought in to the clinic for spaying First cat brought in to the clinic for spaying First cat brought in to the clinic for spaying
“Like all the countries also here there are selfish people who decided to abandoned their old cat because she is sick and old . Don’t worry sweetheart we will be your new family. She is in our free vet clinic to receive first aid and when she will be fine we will adopt her.”
Ernesto’s Sanctuary for Syrian Cats

Keep up the good work Ernesto.