Every bastard who posts animal abuse on social media needs to go down like this

A judge has handed down sentencing to a violent animal abuser. Ultimately this is a happy ending story and I like stories which end happily. Richmond County District Attorney Michael E McMahon declared that Tryike Richardson has been handed down a jail sentence of 15 months. You may remember that he tortured his neighbour’s cat, Chester, and abandoned the cat in a garbage can.

Richardson and Chester
Photos: Richardson: Staten Island Advance/Amanda Steen. Chester: screenshot of video.

He is one of those incredibly nasty individuals who also found it amusing to video the whole event and uploaded it to Facebook. There are people like him who like to advertise to the world how nasty they are. They think it’s clever. They’re seeking notoriety. They’re seeking to be famous in some sort of crazy way. The 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol referred to. When he’s got it at the expense of a cat.

The NYPD of Staten Island Gang Squad saw the video. They were able to rescue Chester from the trashcan. They got him safely to the ASPCA for treatment. They were also able to ensure that Richardson was arrested.

Richardson pleaded guilty because of overwhelming evidence. After all he had videoed himself. Clever boy. He pleaded guilty to aggravated animal cruelty. In addition to jail time he is banned from possessing animals for 10 years. NYC has an animal abuse registry, thankfully. You must register with this registry and pay a judgement order of approximately $8,000 to ASPCA.

The attorney general said that the defendant mercilessly tortured an innocent animal and showed off his sick and twisted actions by posting a video of the incident on Facebook. He said that his department created the Animal Cruelty Protection Unit to hold these sort of people to account.

The ASPCA say that Chester’s injuries included blunt force trauma, a collapsed lung, rib fractures, contusions to the ear, broken teeth, liver and kidney injuries, head trauma and severe muscle injury. An incredible array of serious injuries which he survived with the great care of the ASPCA. Chester has made a full recovery and is being cared for in a loving home. The vice president of ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement said that there is no place in New York City for animal cruelty and he commended the swift actions of the NYPD.

This was a great example of coordinated, joined up actions by a variety of agencies in stamping on gross animal abuse. The nasty people of the world, need to be taught a lesson that it is criminal to upload videos of their own animal abuse to Facebook and other social media websites and that it is not something to be proud of which, it appears, is what Richardson had believed in his extreme ignorance.

Source: ASPCA, PoC and my thanks to Michele Massa.

5 thoughts on “Every bastard who posts animal abuse on social media needs to go down like this”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I did not want any one distracting from the joy of knowing the monster got jail time and Chester lived and is loved. Many cats do not survive and abusers keep killing. If anyone is going to imply that it was Chester’s owner’s fault he got abused I will have a stroke. Have to admit I am proud to say I grew up in New York, a state that takes animal abuse seriously.

  3. I think animal abusers should get life in prison, nothing less. Because the moment they get out, they abuse another animal or little kid, or both. All animal abusers are potential serial killers. They shouldn’t be allowed to roam free and terrorize.

  4. Thank you Michele for the title to this article. I had to adopt it as it was very apt and contained a little bit of anger, fire and passion which is what I like.

  5. Merisan G This was not an invitation to vomit out your cat owners are bad rhetoric on your soapbox. This is a celebration of psycho animal abusers finally getting jail time and having consequences. And to NYC for having the guts to establish an Animal Abuse Registry. And God Bless all the law enforcement people who brought this monster to justice and the people who cared for and love Chester. Cats kill small animals out of instinct. Humans torture, abuse, enslave, exploit and murder animals for profit, greed, selfishness. While I myself have an indoor only cat I live and let live. I do not advocate wiping out other species or their owners. So take your BS off this site. We love cats. Go volunteer and donate at an animal shelter if you do not know what to do with your time.

  6. Owners of pets, like dogs, that are allowed to roam free and torture other animals also have their animals taken from them, their dogs destroyed, and the animals’ owners are fined and arrested. If hunting dogs, then the owner has their vehicles and hunting– gear also permanently confiscated. If only the same would happen to all criminal cat-owners who let their cats torture and harass all wildlife. The clear common-sense laws in every state of the USA against “wanton waste” alone are enough to put them all in jail-cells for a long long time.

    No wonder you do all you can to make excuses to excuse yourselves from putting collars on your cats or use other pet-ID methods. The vast majority of cat-owners couldn’t afford their fines and jail-sentences if they actually claimed ownership of their illegal animals that they allowed to violate every environmental law on earth. This is also why so few cats are reclaimed at shelters when their illegal cats are picked-up. The owner now knowing they could face a jail-sentence when giving their identification when doing so.

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